Ford Beats Toyota in Quality for 2007

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Huck Flynn, Jun 8, 2007.

  1. Huck Flynn

    Huck Flynn Guest
    Huck Flynn, Jun 8, 2007
  2. Huck Flynn

    Jim Higgins Guest

    The trick for Ford will be maintaining the quality. Can they do it or
    is it a flash in the pan? Quality has been the norm, rather than the
    exception as it has been with the Little Three, for Toyota and Honda.
    Jim Higgins, Jun 8, 2007
  3. Huck Flynn

    Mike Hunter Guest

    Perhaps if one does not look at the growing number of serious Toyota recalls
    and does not include all the sludge, brake, tranny gasket and head gaskets
    problems ;)

    Mike Hunter, Jun 8, 2007
  4. Huck Flynn

    Ripcord Guest

    Lets see, America made or rice burner.
    Ripcord, Jun 8, 2007
  5. Huck Flynn

    Wickeddoll Guest

    "Ripcord" ...
    Until they show quality for *much more* than 90 days, it'll be rice burners.

    Wickeddoll, Jun 8, 2007
  6. Huck Flynn

    AS Guest

    Well, if you consider that JD Powers is the one giving the awards....

    JD Powers awarded Scottrade as the best online broker for a few years in
    a row. If you ask the trading community, Scottrade is far from the best
    online broker.

    In the past I also found akward some other awards that were given to
    other companies and at the time I asked myself if JD Powers awards were
    for sale. Just my opinion and my thoughts.
    AS, Jun 8, 2007
  7. Huck Flynn

    Jeff Guest

    Toyota/Lexis got 4 of 8 truck/SUV awards and Honda got one.

    Jeff, Jun 8, 2007
  8. Huck Flynn

    Huck Flynn Guest

    JD Powers is the same company that has been proping up the japanese
    companies for the last 15 what is your point.
    Huck Flynn, Jun 8, 2007
  9. Huck Flynn

    Kruse Guest

    Okay, first I'm going to say that SOME of the foreign branded cars
    make an excellent car and that SOME of the American named cars need a
    little improvement in quality. Does everybody understand that first
    sentence? Good. Now bear with me.

    About 20 years ago I was reading about the initial overall quality of
    two cars. One was a Japanese car and the other was an American car,
    both of these compared side by side. The Japanese car got rave reviews
    for initial quality and component fit and the American car had a lot
    of initial problems and a lot of new car complaints. Now this wasn't
    just one car verses one car, it was thousands of reviews from both
    models of cars. Even the owners quotes summed it up real well. "I
    bought a Japanese car because of the quality that I wanted and I'm
    glad of my purchase". For the American buyers, a lot of quotes were
    "As usual, the American car had a lot more problems than if I'd
    purchased a Japanese car". This article stated that even Lee Iacoca
    (spelling?), had problems with this statement, because the American
    car that they were bashing was the Plymouth Laser. Now what was the
    car that thousands of buyers were praising??
    It was the Mitsubishi Eclipse..........

    The real irony is that these cars were identical in about every way
    and even produced in the same factory and they were probably made one
    car in front of each other. The only difference between the two were
    the make/model badges on the dash and on the bumper. THAT'S what
    Iacoca was peeved about, the perception of difference.

    Once again, is there a difference? Probably.
    There certainly is in people's minds.
    Kruse, Jun 8, 2007
  10. Huck Flynn

    coachrose13 Guest

    Actually, it's been more like 25 years, only slight less than Consumer
    Reports. But I understand where your coming from.
    coachrose13, Jun 8, 2007
  11. Huck Flynn

    Picasso Guest

    Maybe they're starting to fell bad for their own domestics;0
    Picasso, Jun 8, 2007
  12. Huck Flynn

    Picasso Guest

    That is true... if you perceive people or things a certain way, they
    will often seem to conform.. or rather you continue to see them that way.
    Picasso, Jun 8, 2007
  13. Huck Flynn

    80 Knight Guest

    I read the same type of thing when the Pontiac Vibe / Toyota Matrix came
    out. According to the article, the Matrix was gold, and yet the Vibe was
    trash. I guess no one bothered to tell them they were the same cars. Now, if
    I could only find that damned article.
    80 Knight, Jun 8, 2007
  14. test
    Private Private, Jun 8, 2007
  15. Huck Flynn

    Jeff Guest

    If they are just reporting the results of surveys, how can they be
    propping up the Japanese, who won 5 of the 8 awards for trucks and SUVs?
    Jeff, Jun 8, 2007
  16. Huck Flynn

    still me Guest

    First, JD Powers ia a highly biased source and their survey's are
    rarely (never?) statistically valid. This one is no exception.

    Second, Iococa deserves what he gets for producing the k-car :)
    still me, Jun 8, 2007
  17. Huck Flynn

    Woody Guest

    Selective surveys have always been used to make the payer look good.
    Woody, Jun 8, 2007
  18. Huck Flynn

    Jeff Guest

    Can you demonstrate that's the case with JD Powers? For example, did the
    Vibe get worse reviews than the Matrix?

    Jeff, Jun 8, 2007
  19. Huck Flynn

    Jeff Guest

    In your opinion. Can you back this opinion with evidence?

    Jeff, Jun 8, 2007
  20. Huck Flynn

    Mark Guest

    They are not the same car - the Vibe is built in California, the
    Matrix in Canada. Who puts it together can make a lot of difference.
    Mark, Jun 8, 2007
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