Ford Beats Toyota in Quality for 2007

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Huck Flynn, Jun 8, 2007.

  1. Huck Flynn

    Jim Higgins Guest

    The people that plunk down cold, hard cash for Toyota and Honda products
    have decided that they *are* worth it. The Little Three are losing the
    race, if they have not already hit the point of no return. The contract
    talks, assuming that the UAW has an attack of sanity and goes with deep
    concessions to the Little Three, might have a chance. Maybe.
    Jim Higgins, Jun 9, 2007
  2. Huck Flynn

    Wickeddoll Guest

    "Jim Higgins" ...
    I'm hoping they rebound, despite having bought Toyotas for the last 20 or so
    years. I'm all for domestic automakers getting back on their feet; I'd love
    to keep the profits here. I think they're on the right track, but hope it's
    not too late to rebuild the trust.

    And, as I've said all along, if I were in the market for a large vehicle,
    I'd go domestic. The Japanese haven't quite got the hang of it, yet, and
    even if they ever do, I don't think they'll ever do it as well as the US.

    Natalie, American Air Force veteran
    Wickeddoll, Jun 9, 2007
  3. Huck Flynn

    Double Tap Guest

    As faulty as the Consumer Union survey is I as far as I am concerned it has
    much more realistic
    relevance to the real world then the JDP initial quality survey.
    Double Tap
    Double Tap, Jun 10, 2007
  4. Actually, JDP does write a headline. In this case it was:

    J.D. Power and Associates Reports:
    Ford Motor Company Captures Most Awards in 2007 Initial Quality Study

    You might be surprised by the amount of "news" which is really just
    corporate press releases.
    Gordon McGrew, Jun 10, 2007
  5. Huck Flynn

    Jeff Guest

    That's not the headline that was in the paper. Go to,
    type in auto quality. Not one of the articles had that for the headline.
    Like I said, JD Power doesn't write the newspaper headlines, the
    newspapers do.
    Jeff, Jun 10, 2007
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