Ford car production ain't what it used to be

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by C. E. White, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. C. E. White

    C. E. White Guest

    You mean like a current Explorer or Expedition with IRS? The shocks are in a
    unit with the coil springs and don't hang down at all. What do you call that
    big round thing hanging down in the center of a Infiniti Pathfinder or is it
    a Nissan QX4......

    C. E. White, Dec 4, 2007
  2. C. E. White

    Tim Guest

    It's called Suspension.
    Tim, Dec 4, 2007
  3. C. E. White

    David Starr Guest

    Yup. Contract demand 479799025B.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Retired Shop Rat: 14,647 days in a GM plant.
    Now I can do what I enjoy: Large Format Photography
    Lifetime member; Vast Right Wing Conspiricy
    Web Site:
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    David Starr, Dec 4, 2007
  4. Well Ford is going to be #3 in US sales as of 2007 and that isn't my
    opinion, it's a fact you can take to the bank. As for Toyota beating
    Chevy in 2007, that is a toss-up right now.

    So these two pickups are the best sellers, so what? That will be
    scant consolation if Ford and GM go under. It is profit that counts
    at the end of the day. Either Toyota or Honda could afford to buy
    both GM and Ford just to put them out of their misery.
    Gordon McGrew, Dec 5, 2007
  5. True but... Toyota's basis (what they sold in November 2006) was a
    record month, as was November 2007. Ford is up 0.6% over being in the
    toilet. Toyota outsold Ford in November by 15,000.

    If you look at the year rather than just one month, Toyota is up 4%
    and Ford is down 12% versus 2006.
    Good. I am glad to see any of these stupid trucks fail in the
    marketplace. Maybe it will influence them and the other automakers to
    build more sensible vehicles. I would guess that 90% of the pickups I
    see (admittedly it is an urban environment) are being used for jobs
    that could be better served by a subcompact.

    I think $3 gas is doing a lot of good.
    Gordon McGrew, Dec 5, 2007
  6. C. E. White

    Tim Guest

    Fact is something already happened. Calling your own prediction as fact?
    No it aint no fact, I'm afraid you will be disappointed, because what
    already happened may not repeat itself. Because Ford moves too slow, the
    Chinese carmakers will beat all of you up again, with cheaper and good gas
    cars. Go to Habor Freight, and Walmat and enlighten yourself. The Chinese
    investors now are buying American banks. I used to hear you called the
    Chinese hyping, man we're 180 degree direction!! Sad sad... I am poorer
    and poorer with you, make no mistake, I am trying to wake you up.
    Tim, Dec 5, 2007
  7. Whall, you see part of the problem is that most of the auto pundits out
    like the people that write the reviews in Car and Driver and such, have not
    reconciled to the fact that a basic truck is extremely utilitaritian and
    You can haul plywood, a motorcycle, a couch, move across town, you name
    it. If you take the tailgate off of it or put on a tonneau, it becomes a
    fuel efficient single-passenger commuting vehicle - not as good as a sedan
    course, but if you don't have to commute a great deal, so what.

    There's enough of the new car buying public that recognize this that light
    mid sized trucks are always going to sell well in the US.

    Personally I can't stand the look of the things - any pickup truck after
    looks like a Mexican/white trailer trashmobile in my book - and I'll never
    caught dead owning one. I do my hauling with a trailer. But I see the
    that dealing with hauling out a utility trailer from the shed and linking it
    up takes
    a lot more time than just walking out to the street and tossing whatever
    of crap you need to haul into the truck bed then driving off.

    New car buyers generally either buy for image reasons (ie: Prius) or for
    functionality. Trucks are extremely functional, it's no wonder they are as
    popular as they are. Most of the auto pundits out there are so focused
    on the image thing they have lost touch with the functionality end of it.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Dec 5, 2007
  8. Ford is too far behind now to catch up. Baring a miracle which isn't
    going to happen, Toyota will outsell Ford in the US in 2007. It's a
    done deal.
    So far that hasn't happened. In fact they haven't sold a single car
    here yet. Regardless of what the Chinese do, Ford is #3 and dropping.
    Familiar with both of these retailers. OK if you need something
    cheap. I wouldn't use Harbor Freight tools to work on my go kart.
    Hell, they are buying America thanks to Bush's deficit financing of
    the disaster in Iraq.
    Haven't a clue what you are talking about. If you are referring to
    something I said on Usenet, please provide a Google Groups link.
    I am not poor.
    Gordon McGrew, Dec 5, 2007
  9. C. E. White

    NoOneYouKnow Guest

    Pickups get better mileage with the tailgate up, and no cover. The bed
    creates a vortex behind the cab that maximizes the aerodynamics. With no
    tailgate and/or a cover, the vortex cannot form.

    NoOneYouKnow, Dec 6, 2007
  10. C. E. White

    E Meyer Guest

    Consumer reports debunked that several years ago. They tested a number of
    different pickups with and without tailgates. The results depended on the
    truck. Some did better with the tailgates in place, some with them removed.
    Its not a given that removing the tailgate improves mileage.
    E Meyer, Dec 6, 2007
  11. C. E. White

    Ed White Guest

    From CR Online:

    Truck tailgate
    Q. My neighbor told me to remove the tailgate of my truck for better
    mileage. What is your take on this matter?
    A. Several years back, CR said that lowering or removing the tailgate gate
    made only a marginal difference in gas mileage and in most cases simply does
    not improve mileage. We are still sticking with that report. Also, the
    tailgate is part of the structure of the vehicle and when removed, makes the
    bed of the truck weaker.

    You might aslo want to review:
    Ed White, Dec 7, 2007
  12. C. E. White

    Picasso Guest

    few people know that... i'm impressed.
    Picasso, Dec 8, 2007
  13. C. E. White

    Picasso Guest

    Image reasons in a prius?

    Picasso, Dec 9, 2007
  14. Apparently you missed the Prius commercial where the guy buys one
    to be able to get fucked by the girl who regularly attends the "Save the
    Whales" conventions.

    There's all kinds of images out there. The Prius owners are no different
    than the 50 year accountants who run out and buy Harleys and black
    leather jackets with fringe. Just because both are equally silly doesen't
    mean they don't exist.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Dec 9, 2007
  15. Best way to improve mileage when you own a pickup: sell the friggin
    thing unless you really _need_ a truck and buy a car instead.
    still just me, Dec 10, 2007
  16. C. E. White

    NoOneYouKnow Guest

    It'd be interesting for them to do it with newer trucks, which are more
    aerodynamic than trucks from "several years ago". While pickups aren't
    really sold for their fuel efficiency, the better aerodynamics contribute to
    increased towing capacity and acceleration - things trucks are sold for.

    Perhaps if I phrase it this way: pickup trucks are designed to produce less
    drag with the tailgate up and no cover. That's how they're wind tunnel
    tested, and if you watch one of those tests, it's pretty easy to see the
    vortex and resulting slipstream. All things being equal, less drag usually
    means better mileage.

    In reality, it probably has more to do with speed than anything. At highway
    speeds, you're probably better off with the tailgate up so the
    vortex/slipstream can form. At slower speeds, it's less likely a vortex
    will form, so you're probably better off with the tailgate down.

    The point being that the OP's assertion that taking the tailgate off or
    putting a cover on would increase your mileage is more or less a myth.

    Speaking of, I'll see your CR and raise you a Mythbusters. :)

    NoOneYouKnow, Dec 10, 2007
  17. You have any illustrations of this alleged vortex? I'm having some
    difficulty visualizing how a deep bed interrupting airflow can produce
    less drag than a smooth surface cover from an engineering point of
    view. I could see it having weight/force distribution advantages, but
    from a drag viewpoint, it doesn't seem to make logical sense.
    still just me, Dec 12, 2007
  18. C. E. White

    n5hsr Guest

    Go check the back episodes of Mythbusters, they did an episode on that.
    Tailgate up produces less drag than tailgate down. They even did a
    miniature model test in water and used oatmeal flakes to show the pattern.

    Charles the Curmudgeon
    n5hsr, Dec 12, 2007
  19. C. E. White

    B A R R Y Guest

    Throw some tissue in the back and go for a ride. On many trucks, the
    tissues will move in a circular fashion, forward along the floor, up the
    front wall, backwards in mid-air, and back down to the floor. At the
    right speeds, the debris will continue around and around.

    I've seen it with cans, paper, leaves, etc...
    B A R R Y, Dec 12, 2007
  20. C. E. White

    NoOneYouKnow Guest

    Drive around in a pickup with a few dry leaves in the bed. Notice that,
    while some fly away, many blow upward behind the cab then fall back to the
    bed towards the back, even at highway speeds.

    The thing to remember is that the air caught by the tailgate has to go
    somewhere. Since it can't go upward due the additional air being caught by
    the tailgate, it goes down, then towards the front of the bed, then up the
    back of the cab and back into the bottom of the main airflow... where much
    of it is caught by the tailgate again. This is called a "locked vortex" and
    it essentially creates a differential pressure zone within the bed that the
    main airflow rides upon as it goes over the bed.

    NoOneYouKnow, Dec 12, 2007
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