ford joke

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by nico, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. nico

    nico Guest

    I went to a couple of car dealerships last week, and the first one I
    stopped at was Kia, well nothing caught my eye, but the price was
    right, then I went to a Ford dealer, again nothing really caught my
    eye, but I looked anyway, then I go to the Chevy dealer, well I see
    one that I like, the dealer does the once over with me, then he pops
    the trunk, disapointed, I looked at the dealer and said, "Well, Theres
    something missing" the dealer ,puzzled asks "What"? I said "at the
    ford dealership I checked out, they had a new pair of shoes in the
    trunk of every car"! Smiling the dealer says "Thats so they can walk

    Car Donation Resources
    nico, Oct 5, 2007
  2. That Chevy salesman lied (surprise, surprise). The reason the new pair of
    shoes was in the Ford's trunk was to replace the pair you wear out helping
    Chevy and Honda owners pushing their dead ones off the road and out of

    Dave and Trudy, Oct 6, 2007
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