Foreign Cars Targeted By Vandals in Michigan

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by palin.president, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. Foreign Cars Targeted By Vandals
    POSTED: Saturday, December 13, 2008
    UPDATED: 5:28 pm CST December 13, 2008

    WOODHAVEN, Mich. -- It seems the economic conditions and the auto
    industry crisis is turning some Americans against Americans.

    Woodhaven police said four cars on Friday, all produced by foreign
    carmakers, had two tires slashed and "Buy USA" written on them, WDIV-
    TV reported.

    Police said three of the cars were parked in a strip mall in Woodhaven
    that sits next to a Ford stamping plant.

    Kim Lebecki's 2009 Toyota Camry was one of the four targeted by the

    "I work very hard to make the payment to drive the car of my choice in
    the United States and someone else has the audacity to destroy these
    vehicles," Lebecki said. "It saddens me to think, 'Is this a UAW
    member who did this?'"

    One of incidents was caught on a security tape. A red Ford Escape is
    seen pulling into a parking space, a middle-aged man can be seen
    approaching a red foreign car and slashing both tires. The man can
    also be seen writing a message on the car before leaving.


    Foreign Car Vandal Caught On Tape:


    Police search for man who vandalized foreign cars

    Police are looking for a man they say vandalized five foreign cars in
    Woodhaven store parking lots Friday, investigators said today.

    He punctured both passenger-side tires on a Toyota, a Volkswagen, a
    Honda, a Mazda and a Hyundai and wrote “Buy USA” on each car in
    marker, police Lt. Robert Harabedian said. They happened between 3-6
    p.m. outside the Lowe’s and Kohl’s stories in Woodhaven.

    The suspect is a white man who drives a red Ford Escape and appears to
    be middle-aged.

    Anyone with information is asked to call 734-676-7337.
    palin.president, Dec 17, 2008
  2. palin.president

    johns Guest

    I like Michigan. You can go to a bar, and a girl will
    come over and buy you a beer, and sit and tell
    you her whole life story, and both of you laugh
    'til the place closes, and you'll never see her again.
    Just working people.

    johns, Dec 17, 2008
  3. I lived in Michigan for five years and spent some time in that same bar. I
    had a rather different experience though. That girl would invite you back to
    her place at closing time and screw your socks off....
    Sharp Dressed Man, Dec 17, 2008
  4. This is about as childish as people cutting off supply routes to
    neighborhoods that voted a certain way, even though other states and
    counties in the nation did not? What if Georgia said you can't send
    commerce to "xxx state"?

    Sick of government, just get the whole country to go on a work strike
    for about 3 years, and starve them out of power?

    Hey, anything in America can happen, but whatever happens to auto
    workers is not the worst thing?

    Home of the free, and land of the brave, or land of the whaaaaaaah-
    babies? You've lost your mind if you go puncture someone's tires
    rather than fill out a job application?
    butterfly77049, Dec 18, 2008
  5. palin.president

    Ruud66 Guest

    Foreign Cars Targeted By Vandals
    POSTED: Saturday, December 13, 2008
    UPDATED: 5:28 pm CST December 13, 2008

    WOODHAVEN, Mich. -- It seems the economic conditions and the auto
    industry crisis is turning some Americans against Americans.

    Woodhaven police said four cars on Friday, all produced by foreign
    carmakers, had two tires slashed and "Buy USA" written on them, WDIV-
    TV reported.

    Looks like an idiot. Toyota already provides technology to Ford for its
    Escape. Merging Ford with Toyota would be a great choice as Ford, Mazda and
    Toyota have a lot of mutual interests. GM/Chrysler is a basketcase as their
    main financer Cerberus Capital Management, which owns Chrysler and a joint
    stake in GMAC, allready received a $5 billion bailout from the feds in the
    days leading up to the election. That’s because GMAC — the financing arm of
    GM — had become a lame duck through it's risky financing schemes.

    Ruud66, Dec 18, 2008
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