Forward motion in Neutral

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by disallow, Jun 25, 2004.

  1. disallow

    disallow Guest

    Hi guys,

    I have a 98 Civic LX 5spd. The clutch is new, 15000km on it.

    I had it running the other day while it was jacked up, and
    the front tire was spinning while the transmission was in neutral.

    Is this supposed to happen?

    disallow, Jun 25, 2004
  2. well it wasn't spinning that fast I am sure...and yes it would be normal.

    Due to dynamic friction between the oil and the parts....kind of like a
    torque converter but you would have to be able to picture all the parts in
    the transmission and know how it all works to understand what I am saying.

    CaptainKrunch, Jun 25, 2004
  3. disallow

    disallow Guest

    Cool thanks. The trannie has actually been rebuilt on warranty,
    I just wanted to be sure they put it back together properly.

    disallow, Jun 25, 2004
  4. disallow

    motsco_ _ Guest



    At a temp of -40c, it would be like the car was in gear. Pushing in the
    clutch stopped it, if clutch was done correctly, right?

    motsco_ _, Jun 25, 2004
  5. disallow

    disallow Guest

    disallow, Jun 25, 2004
  6. disallow

    disallow Guest

    I guess its something I have noticed before, the car wants
    to roll forward when i am sitting at a red light in neutral.

    As long as this is normal, then that is cool.

    disallow, Jun 25, 2004
  7. disallow

    motsco_ _ Guest


    That's not what you described before... it's normal when jacked up, but
    not so when at traffic light.

    Better description is required.. clutch in or out / what happens in
    reverse with clutch pushed in? Any problem getting into reverse?

    Reply to group.
    motsco_ _, Jun 26, 2004
  8. disallow

    disallow Guest

    When at a stoplight, its almost un-noticable, but it definitely rolls
    forward very slowly when on a flat
    surface. This happens when the clutch is out and the car
    is in neutral.

    I don't have a particularly hard time getting into reverse.
    I think its normal for Hondas to be a little sticky about
    reverse since reverse has no synchros, right?

    disallow, Jun 27, 2004
  9. disallow

    tomb Guest

    disallow wrote:
    | When at a stoplight, its almost un-noticable, but it definitely rolls
    | forward very slowly when on a flat surface.
    | This happens when the clutch is out and the car
    | is in neutral.

    Mine (Civic '88 5spd) does the same when it's cold. Usually the first one or
    two traffic lights, it pulls forward even if in neutral, with the clutch
    released. I always put it down to viscosity of the transmission oil.

    || I don't have a particularly hard time getting into reverse.
    || I think its normal for Hondas to be a little sticky about
    || reverse since reverse has no synchros, right?

    Yeah, well, if you're moving you'll get a scratch ;)
    tomb, Jun 29, 2004
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