Free TECHRON and maybe gas rebates?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by chibitul, Jul 16, 2005.

  1. chibitul

    chibitul Guest


    I never used Techron before, but everyone claims it is the best fuel
    system cleaner. You can get two 12oz cans free from AutoZone; and you
    don't have to cut UPC by the way :)
    I am waiting for my tank to become almost empty and use this stuff.
    BTW: some sites claim that you have to put the Techron stuff in an
    almost empty tank and then refuel, and NOT the other way around (fuel
    up and add Techron). Maybe it mixes differently?

    Also, saw this site and I wonder if anyone used it, I would rather not
    spend $6.95 if it doesn't work

    chibitul, Jul 16, 2005
  2. chibitul

    Elle Guest

    How's that? What exactly do you pay and get in return right now at Autozone?

    I buy my Chevron Techron at Wal-Mart. That's the best price I've seen.
    The Chevron Techron bottle label says this.

    I suppose it optimizes mixing. Maybe it's specific gravity promotes its
    floating, otherwise?


    One of the regulars here also recommended doing an oil change about after
    the tank that had the Chev Tech in it was used up.

    I just started adding it once a year to my 1991 Civic's tank (bought new in
    1991) last year. The car ran well before this; it still runs well. I didn't
    notice any change, but perhaps by using the Chev Tech regularly I'll get
    more life out of various parts.

    Others here have some anecdotes, I believe, attesting to better operation
    after using Chev Tech.
    Elle, Jul 16, 2005
  3. chibitul

    chibitul Guest

    you pay $5.99 for a 12oz bottle, and you get a mail-in-rebate coupun,
    where you fill in your name, address, and send in (with the receipt)
    and supposedly you get a check in the mail. If done correctly (and if
    you keep copies and call back in case the check does not show up) these
    rebates work in 90% of the cases. Sometimes they will use the smallest
    mistake to void your claim (like circle purchase price, make sure you
    do that if it says so). Sometimes they claim you did not sent in the
    UPC (happened to my T-mobil nokia phone), so frm now on I will tape or
    staple the UPC to the rebate form.

    In other cases it takes 18 weeks (instead of 8). anyway, make sure you
    do it right and you keep copies.
    chibitul, Jul 16, 2005
  4. chibitul

    Elle Guest

    Sounds good. I think just under $6 was what I was paying at Wal-Mart,

    I agree these rebates work in something like 90% of the cases.
    Elle, Jul 16, 2005

  5. I haven't bought a bottle of Techron in probably 10 years but it used to
    warn that it contaminated the engine oil. I'm sure that's true of all
    additives whether they state it or not.
    Kevin McMurtrie, Jul 17, 2005
  6. chibitul

    chibitul Guest

    so perhaps you should use TECHRON when the tank is almost empty and you
    plan to change the oil in about 300 miles, then fill up, drive until
    the tank is almost empty again, fill up and change oil ASAP?

    will check the bottle, thanks for the heads up. I just changed oil, so
    I will probably wait till the next oil change :) Thanks
    chibitul, Jul 17, 2005
  7. chibitul

    R. P. Guest

    Why not just fill up at Chevron stations? Their gasoline has the
    Techron already in it.

    R. P., Jul 17, 2005
  8. chibitul

    chibitul Guest

    I would, if I could. There seems to be NONE around zip 06010. I also
    searched for TEXACO by the way, I know they merged with Chevron and I
    read they also add Techron now.
    chibitul, Jul 17, 2005
  9. chibitul

    Milleron Guest

    Chevron does not have a presence in all areas of the US.

    Milleron, Jul 17, 2005
  10. chibitul

    R. P. Guest

    How silly of me! I just assumed they were "kicking their cans all over
    the place"-- so to speak.

    R. P., Jul 18, 2005
  11. But Chevron is listed as a "Top Tier" gasoline retailer and Texaco is
    not. Hmmmmm.
    Gordon McGrew, Jul 19, 2005
  12. chibitul

    SoCalMike Guest

    all the texacos i remember in the SoCal area are closed or switched to
    chevron. mebbe the texaco brand is defunct?
    SoCalMike, Jul 19, 2005
  13. chibitul

    R. P. Guest

    Interesting because in the Puget Sound area they converted to Shell

    R. P., Jul 19, 2005
  14. chibitul

    Bebop Guest

    Don't think so. Otherwise all people using Chervon gas have contaminated
    oil then. :)
    Bebop, Jul 19, 2005
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