From another woman's point of view...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by minideborde, Jan 12, 2007.

  1. minideborde

    minideborde Guest

    Ok, Ok...we understand that your wife was lied to in her interview
    about the this a surprise to anyone who works or has worked
    at a dealership? NO! I am a young female and I sold cars for about 2
    years. About 9 months ago I decided to move into the finance industry
    selling stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and bank products. But the 2
    years that I sold cars I loved it! Honestly either you're a car guy or
    not (or girl). People in the car business are a breed of their own.
    Obviously your wife just wasn't cut out for the business. It may be
    hard for you to understand, but most people that are seasoned car vets
    did not go into their first sales interview concerned with the hours.
    I worked 6 days a week from 8:30AM to 8:00PM, and I wouldn't want it
    any other way. My dad has been in the industry for 30+ years and he
    still puts in those same 12 hour days. Honestly I would be pissed if
    the hired some one to work "part-time" when I was on the lot from open
    to close. If you want a 9-5 at a dealership see if they need any
    office ladies because in car sales that's not an option.
    minideborde, Jan 12, 2007
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