Fuel Economy on 2000 Civic DX

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Eric Halden, Nov 2, 2004.

  1. Eric Halden

    Eric Halden Guest

    Does anyone know what is wrong here?

    In September '04 my engine light starting coming on and the engine was
    losing power to the point of stalling. I immediately took it to the local
    Honda dealer. To fix it, the oxygen sensor had been replaced. Sure enough,
    the engine light does not come on anymore and the engine seems to be running
    normally EXCEPT fuel economy has been nearly halved!

    There has been no change in driving habits. I took it back to the dealer
    yesterday and all diagnostics passed and the Civic has been given a clean
    bill of health. Something else must have happened here that perhaps
    vehicles diagnostics cannot test. Any clues?
    Eric Halden, Nov 2, 2004
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