fuel filter replacement (87 CRX HF)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by agent smith, Feb 23, 2004.

  1. agent smith

    agent smith Guest

    i got the car jacked up, tire off.. but the filter is behind this hard
    plastic panel that i cannot remove. its an 87 CRX HF. also, the service
    manual says taht i need to relive fuel pressure by turning the service nut
    1/2 rotation. how is this accomplished with that hard plastic panel in the
    way? TIA, you guys are the best!

    -agent smith
    agent smith, Feb 23, 2004
  2. agent smith

    agent smith Guest

    ok, i got both filters replaced AND i managed to get gas to the car!
    unfortunatly, i flooded the carb/engine with gas, so i gotta wait till it
    dries up before i can give it another go. i do have this question though:

    there is a brass-coloured pipe-thing sticking out of the carb, that when i
    gave the car gas while it was on, gas spewed out of this pipe. the gas wasnt
    clear, but a brown-ish colour. would this be why the car isnt starting now?
    the gas was sitting in the tank for 4 years.. but that gas was drained and
    new stuff was put in. i also put in HEET to get rid of any water in there
    and help clear the gas lines up. anything else i should be doing? thanks for
    the input!

    -agent smith
    agent smith, Feb 23, 2004
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