Fuel Injection Adjustment In Trunk?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by SMcK, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. SMcK

    SMcK Guest

    My wife called on Sunday. She was leaving work and our '92 Accord
    would not start. It cranked fine, so battery was not a problem. A
    passer-by who identified himself as trained in Honda repairs helped
    her. After looking under the hood he said it wasn't getting gas. He
    opened the trunk and supposedly manipulated something with a
    screwdriver. Afterward the car started. He told my wife to buy fuel
    injection cleaner and add it to the gas tank. She drove home. Over a
    couple days since, I've had no problem starting the car twice. We
    haven't driven it away from home yet.

    My questions:

    1. What is in the trunk that one might adjust that would effect the
    fuel flow to the engine?

    2. Now that it has been adjusted and seems to start OK, is the problem
    fixed, i.e., can wife go back to taking this car to work without
    fearing being stranded?

    3. Do the experts agree with the fuel injection cleaner suggestion?

    SMcK, Aug 11, 2010
  2. SMcK

    Tegger Guest

    He probably just gave the fuel pump a tap to shock it back into action. If
    this was needed, you're on borrowed time with that pump. You can't
    "adjust" the pump.

    I'm not sure you can even get at this model's pump from the trunk.
    IIRC, this model is one of the last that /doesn't/ have an trunk access
    panel for the fuel pump.

    You can determine for yourself if the fuel pump isn't working. All you need
    to do is:
    1) have somebody open the trunk and put an ear as close as possible to the
    floor of the trunk next to the back seat (remove any cargo first!),
    2) have another person sit in the driver's seat, turn the key to "II" and
    leave it there.
    3) The listener should hear a sudden and fairly audible whine/buzz/rattle
    for two seconds, and then the noise should abruptly stop.

    If there is NO new noise at all when the key hits the "II" setting, then
    the pump isn't operating.

    A quiet environment helps in detecting the whine/buzz/rattle.
    Tegger, Aug 12, 2010
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