fuel light

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by kevin, Apr 12, 2006.

  1. kevin

    kevin Guest

    i have a 98 honda civic lx and i am pretty sure i have a check fuel
    light on my car but the thing is it never comes on i have had the car
    way under empty and never seen that light come on do u think i don't
    have one or could it just be broke and if it is is there a simple way
    to fix it b/c it would be nice to have. But my car does the same as
    other where is has trouble starting when low on fuel so just woundering
    about the fuel light
    kevin, Apr 12, 2006
  2. You could raise the fuel pump assembly and see if it turns on. Don't
    blow yourself up.

    Also, the sensor is a thermistor. It doesn't conduct well when it's
    bathed in cool gasoline. Raise it into air and the power going through
    it heats it up until it conducts fairly well. The filament in the lamp
    has exactly the opposite property. The lamp conducts well when it's
    cool and poorly when it's lit. Together you get a system that switches
    between on and off quickly. How well the setup works depends on the
    outside temperature. It comes on very rapidly in hot (>100F) weather
    and it may never come on when the weather is below freezing.
    Kevin McMurtrie, Apr 12, 2006
  3. kevin

    pars Guest

    My Wife's 2000 EX has a fuel light while my 1998 DX does not. Not sure
    about the LX, perhaps the owner's manual might tell.

    pars, Apr 12, 2006
  4. kevin

    Alan Guest

    It's better to keep the gas tank fuller so that moisture doesn't
    collect in an empty tank and cause problems, i.e. water in the gas and
    the problems that can be associated with it.
    Alan, Apr 12, 2006
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