fuel light

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by kevin, Apr 12, 2006.

  1. kevin

    kevin Guest

    i have a 98 honda civic lx and i am pretty sure i have a check fuel
    light on my car but the thing is it never comes on i have had the car
    way under empty and never seen that light come on do u think i don't
    have one or could it just be broke and if it is is there a simple way
    to fix it b/c it would be nice to have.
    kevin, Apr 12, 2006
    'Curly Q. Links', Apr 12, 2006
  3. kevin

    Marco Guest

    You probably do have a check-fuel indicator.

    I wondered the same thing about my 97 civic ever since I bought it 4
    years ago. I've had it below empty several times, but no light.

    3 weeks ago, I wasn't paying attention to my fuel level when I pulled up
    to a stop light, and, while I was sitting there at idle, a new (never
    before seen) light popped on in my dashboard. Check fuel.

    My fuel level was WAY low.

    Marco, Apr 12, 2006
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