fuel odor - 99 accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by daver415, Dec 3, 2004.

  1. daver415

    daver415 Guest

    i'm thinking its either the fuel pump or fuel filter. and i've been told
    that its one of those. when im driving (sometimes) i smell gas. sometimes
    i don't. so most likely it's still a minor problem. anyone with info let
    me know what's up. thanks in advance.
    daver415, Dec 3, 2004
  2. daver415

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Just get a GOOD flashlight and start by looking around the injectors
    when it's just been shut off. They shouldn't look wet, unless the
    seal(s) or body are leaking.

    motsco_ _, Dec 4, 2004
  3. daver415

    Jason Guest

    I suggest that you keep the engine running and open the hood. See if you
    can see gasoline leaking. I agree that it could be the fuel pump or fuel
    filter. Check both of those parts to determine if you can see the gasoline
    Jason, Dec 4, 2004
  4. daver415

    hondarock Guest

    Is your 99 a V6? I have a '00 V6 that has an occasional raw gas odor. We
    thought we had it traced down to the injectors, but so far, no gas
    visible, only the odor/vapor. Have replaced the O rings on the injectors
    hoping for a cheap fix, but no luck. seems to most often occur a few
    minutes after initial start-up. let me know if you figure yours' out.
    hondarock, Dec 16, 2004
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