Fuel pump in '88 Honda Accord LX 5spd.

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Aw, Sep 10, 2005.

  1. Aw

    Aw Guest

    I have a "skip" in my '88 Handa Accord LX 5spd. I have replaced plugs,plug
    wires,fuel filters.Just yesterday I replaced coil,distributor cap,and rotor
    button. When all was done,car would'nt start.I spray stater fluid down
    carb.,car fires up and shuts off. I'm thinking I blew the fuse or cut out
    relay on the fuel pump. Checked fuse, it was good, replace Fuel pump cut out
    relay, still no fuel getting to carb.
    So a freind of mine has told me if your fuel pump is bad you can knock
    on the gas tank with a mallet and get the pump to pump again. I did that and
    the car fires right up.
    Why would changing the coil and distibutor components cause my fuel pump to
    quit? The car was running fine,except for the skip, before. And I still have
    the skip.Could that be the fuel pump not pumping correctly?
    The skip starts after the car has warmed up to normal operating temp.
    Any ideas would be very helpful.
    Aw, Sep 10, 2005
  2. Aw

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Watch the tachometer very carefully when you get the "skip". Does it drop
    to zero, or fall very far during the "skip"?

    If so, your igniter is failing.
    TeGGeR®, Sep 10, 2005
  3. Aw

    Matt Ion Guest

    I'd take that as a sign the fuel pump might be on the way out and you'd
    be better off replacing it before you get stranded somewhere. They're
    pretty robust, mind you - I've only had to do it once, between three
    different '87 Accords over the last 11 or 12 years, and I got the
    replacement used from a wrecker.
    Not likely... just coincidence, I suspect.
    Again, not likely. With a carburetor, the car actually runs from the
    fuel in the float bowl; the pump merely keeps the reservoir full. A
    "hiccup" in the fuel pump wouldn't affect the fuel delivery to the engine.
    Matt Ion, Sep 10, 2005
  4. Aw

    Aw Guest

    I'll check the tach today on the way to work. I have just gotten off of
    night shift,once again I had to put the mallet to the gas tank to get it to
    crank. It has been being hard to start when I work the night shift. I don't
    know if it's because it's a lot cooler in the A.M. or what. When I first get
    in it it fires right up but shuts off immediately but usually after about
    three tries it will start, but not this morning.
    Aw, Sep 11, 2005
  5. Aw

    Aw Guest

    How difficult was it to change out the pump. Did you do it through the trunk
    or did you have to take the tank out? I don't know if you've seen my
    previous post, but I had to hit on the tank again this A.M. to get home
    after working night shift.It has been hard to start when I get off off
    nights. It will fire right up but shut right off, usually after about three
    tries it will start, but not this A.M. It fired right up after I pu the
    mallet to it.
    Aw, Sep 11, 2005
  6. Aw

    Matt Ion Guest

    I went through the trunk - it's under a pry-up plug toward the front of
    the trunk on the driver's side - a bit awkward to reach - and IIRC is
    held in with three bolts. Just pop the cover up, unplug the wiring
    harness, remove the bolts (10mm or 12mm socket, as I recall, with short
    extention bar, although I could be wrong, it was MANY years ago), and
    lift the whole assembly out. Probably want to have the new one ready to
    pop back in right away, to avoid leaving your gas tank open to the trunk
    for too long.
    Matt Ion, Sep 12, 2005
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