Fuel Pump or Not?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by UncleBubba, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. UncleBubba

    UncleBubba Guest

    Bought a 90 Civic Dx with some small problems. The one that is bothering
    me the most is this:

    Car hesitates at 65 mph or less going uphill. Car died and then started
    right up after going up a hill and stopping at top of hill.

    II replaced the fuel filter and added some dry gas and cleaner to gas.
    Car running fine up to 75 mph. 100 miles later dies in highway going 70.
    Coast to breakdown lane and stop Starts right up and off I go.

    Is it the fuel pump and if so, is it located in gas tank or somewhere
    else? Somebody said it may just be needing new plugs wires cap rotor.
    Anytime I have had a fuel pump go there has been no warning on other
    vehicles. Are Hondas different?

    UncleBubba, Oct 17, 2003
  2. UncleBubba

    chris Guest

    Fuel pumps are located under the back seat.
    chris, Oct 17, 2003
  3. UncleBubba

    Paul Guest

    I think it is the fuel pump. There is a fine mesh screen over the pump
    intake pipe that gets clogged.
    Paul, Oct 18, 2003
  4. UncleBubba

    Bob Burns Guest

    Had a similar problem with a Chevette. problem is the screen on the fuel
    pump inlet gets partially plugged and limits the rate of fuel flow.
    Bob Burns, Oct 18, 2003
  5. UncleBubba

    Eric Cantin Guest

    In the 88-91 Civics, the gas tank needs to be dropped to access it.

    If this happens on a full tank of gas, I'd look for other problems. If
    this happens with little fuel in the tank, then it's quite possible.
    Eric Cantin, Oct 19, 2003
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