fuel relay

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by bloodhound, Jan 1, 2005.

  1. bloodhound

    bloodhound Guest

    ok this is what i got. i have a 1990 civic and it wont start i found out
    where there fuel relay was and put a new one on and it didnt help. the car
    just turns over but dosnt start. i also changed the distruibitur and put a
    new cap and rotor button on it. still it wont start. the timing belt was
    changed about 20.000 miles ago so it shouldnt be it. im starting to think it
    may be the fuel pump. its also getting fire at the pluggs and seems to be
    getting gas to the injectors. im not sure if its getting enough presure
    though. am i over looking anything please tell me. i have a haynes repair
    book and its worthless. it says nothing in troubleshooting about the main
    relay and i hear thats the biggest problem these civics have.
    bloodhound, Jan 1, 2005
  2. bloodhound

    Sean Dinh Guest

    The main relay switches on the fuel pump, and also provide one power line to the
    injectors. If you see fuel spraying in the throttle body, it means the relay is
    Sean Dinh, Jan 1, 2005
  3. bloodhound

    r2000swler Guest

    Are you sure the spark plugs are in good shape?
    Acoworker (widow) at work had her Civic not start at lunch.
    After checking all the normal stuff I pulled her spark plugs,
    and they were filthy. That had at least 50K on them .
    I cleaned them as best as I could and her car started right up.
    She stopped by AdvaceAuto on the way home and picked
    up new NDK plugs. Her son put them in before she left
    for work the next day. It has been several months and
    the plugs are still clean and her car is runing great.

    And I have seen several case where there was spark,
    it just wasn't "hot" enough to fire under preasure. One of
    the best tools I have bought was a ~$8 ignition tester.
    A calibrated spark gap, calibrated for standard and
    electronic systems. Unless you have some experience,
    it is hard to tell if you have a good spark.

    r2000swler, Jan 1, 2005
  4. bloodhound

    marcel Guest

    the pgm f1 fuel relay is suffering from bad joints on the circuit board
    soldering the joints solves the problem

    marcel, Jan 2, 2005
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