Fuilds for a CR-v

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by markdiver, Jul 12, 2005.

  1. markdiver

    markdiver Guest

    My wife's 2000 CR-v now has 50K miles and I am going to do the
    servicing on it. The Chiltons manual says that I should use Honda
    genuine Coolant and transmission fuild. Is there a reason I cant just
    use generic stuff from the auto parts store ?

    markdiver, Jul 12, 2005
  2. markdiver

    butch burton Guest

    Yes you can use any fluid you please but if you do - plan for a new
    tranny in about 5K miles. Saving a couple of bucks on fluid would be
    less than smart. Also change your ATF at 30K intervals - change it
    when the tranny fluid is hot - be damn careful cause when the fluid
    comes out it gushes and will fry and bare flesh.
    butch burton, Jul 12, 2005
  3. markdiver

    motsco_ _ Guest


    You MUST use Honda Z1 in the tranny, (change it twice, a week apart)
    Dual Pump Fluid in the rear differential (every 30,000 miles) and Honda
    premix in the cooling system is a good idea too. Don't leave any
    Hondacide (tap water) in the system. Brake fluid can be generic, but
    Honda steering fluid should be OEM.

    The manual is wrong about the interval on the Dual Pump Fluid. That's
    why you hear that sick scraping / rubbing noise when you do a tight
    left-hand u-turn at low speed. Mark a bunch of new 'dots' in the manual.

    motsco_ _, Jul 12, 2005
  4. markdiver

    markdiver Guest

    Thanks for all the advice everyone !
    markdiver, Jul 16, 2005
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