Fun with the security system

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JXStern, Nov 1, 2004.

  1. JXStern

    JXStern Guest

    On a 2004 Accord EX.

    I pulled up to the post office, got out to stuff some mail into the
    mailbox. Left all the windows open, doors unlocked, since I was never
    more than fifteen feet away.

    Got back to the car and it had locked itself, open windows and all.

    So I reached in and unlocked the drivers door.

    Alarm turns on! Once I figured out it was mine, and I had set it
    going, I was embarrassed. How to turn it off? Guess what, pressing
    the panic button on the magic key doesn't help. Putting the key into
    the door and turning it seemed to do the trick.

    I really must read the manual one of these days. And probably turn
    off some of these zippy tricks, but at least to be aware of them.

    JXStern, Nov 1, 2004
  2. JXStern

    Cosmin N. Guest

    Now imagine doing that inside your house garage with the garage door
    closed. I'm still recovering from that scare...

    Cosmin N., Nov 1, 2004
  3. JXStern

    Frank Guest

    I know exactly how you felt. This happened to me more then once
    in my garage... hears are ringing....

    Frank, Nov 1, 2004
  4. Reminds me of a hilarious scene in an old Barney Miller show where Wojo is
    booking a guy who blew open a bank vault with a stolen bazooka. Wojo has to
    shout at him to get through. Then the guy asks, "Ever fire one of those
    things before?" Wojo replies, "Yeah, in 'Nam." The guy comes back, "Oh,
    sure, Outside!"

    Michael Pardee, Nov 1, 2004
  5. JXStern

    slider Guest

    so the car locks itself if you forget?Or was it the fact that the windows
    were left down that it locked itself?
    Have a 2001 accord v-6,I assume the same system?

    slider, Nov 1, 2004
  6. JXStern

    Randy Hunt Guest

    That is the way my 2000 works!

    Randy Hunt, Nov 1, 2004
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