Funny Honda-related story

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by J. Perry, Feb 1, 2004.

  1. J. Perry

    J. Perry Guest

    Some of you guys may find the following story somewhat humorous. Monday
    afternoon I was driving this little '89 Civic LX down I-40 East on a solid
    sheet of ice. You couldn't even see any concrete at all on certain stretches
    of the highway that the state hadn't scraped or salted yet. In fact, it had
    snowed about 4 inches first, and then we had about another 1 inch of sleet
    and freezing rain on top of that. I was running about 45 m.p.h. in order to
    try and put some distance between myself and the ignorant redneck that was
    TAILGATING me in a '96 Chevy Blazer 4X4. In the slow lane too--I might add.
    Well, I could see in my rear view mirror that the Blazer driver was all
    hacked off wanting to pass me. So, he whips it over to his left really,
    really quick and gunned it simultaneously. Needless to say that he went into
    a broad slide, and then he whipped it back to the right to try and
    straighten his vehicle out. Well, when he did that, the Blazer did a
    complete 360 and he ended up going down into a ditch backwards! I gave him
    the peace sign in my rear mirror and chuckled as I continued down I-40 in
    the '89 Civic. In a very stable manner I might add. Since the guy had
    tailgated me for about 7 miles straight, I figured that he got what he
    deserved for driving so recklessly in that type of inclimate weather. BTW,
    the little Civic was like a snowmobile in those icy weather conditions. It
    never even came close to slowing down or spinning. Not the first time. I
    passed 9 accident scenes with highway patrolmen already there on my way to
    work Tuesday morning. 9 out of those 9 accidents involved SUVs that had
    wiped out with apparently no other vehicle(s) involved.

    J. Perry
    J. Perry, Feb 1, 2004
  2. J. Perry

    Tony Hwang Guest

    Yup. Seeing it every day here too. It's not the vehicle, it's the dumb
    driver. Another thing funny is, they never seem to learn. Every winter
    all the time, it happens.
    Tony Hwang, Feb 1, 2004
  3. J. Perry

    Jason Faas Guest

    I saw that same guy a few years ago on I-94 in Wisconsin! Except he was
    driving a Bronco back then. I was going about 40 m.p.h. and he passed me
    sideways before spinning into the ditch.

    Small world...

    Jason Faas, Feb 1, 2004
  4. J. Perry

    Keith J Guest

    Down here in Florida, we don't have the snow/ice problems, but people here
    are just as unintelligent. If you've ever experienced a Florida downpour,
    (they are something) you know what I mean. The road seems to collect water
    instead of running it off. I think it has to do with the road composition
    as over time the ruts compact more. Common sense tells you to slow down for
    bad road conditions?!?! Why? that's for cars, not my
    Explorer/Expedition/Suburban/(pick any)... they have SUV's, you've seen the
    TV commercials, they can drive anywhere.... yes, they do get to see the
    grass. :) Makes me wonder if the people you mention have relatives in the

    Just the same, I have seen MANY cars take a stroll through the median and
    off to the right. Basically pick I-10 (in North Florida) and anywhere
    south. The interstates from mid-Florida south are partly comprised of
    crushed shells (yes from the beach) as fill. The problem is when tourists
    visit, which is everyday, they are not used to the road conditions when it
    rains. When shells get wet, they are like ice, then you add water that
    collects in the ruts, you have crashes. It seems that when you hear about
    the deaths on the roads (down here), they are mostly tourists.

    Keith J, Feb 1, 2004
  5. J. Perry

    Jehu Guest

    Seems they have relatives up here in Canada too.... ;) Seems these people
    with bundles of money in there pockets get into their big expensive SUV,
    with their big expensive Insurance and just drive like retards! as if they
    own the road

    - - - - - - -
    Jehu, Feb 1, 2004
  6. ===================


    I can usually guess what vehicle they are going to describe when I turn
    on Global TV News from Edmonton, and I hear the announcer start off by
    saying: "A spectacular crash on the Whitemud Freeway today", while they
    roll the footage of the inverted Ford Exploder / Durango / Blazer /
    Whatever :-(

    I'm gonna get me one of them police cameras mounted on my mirror so _I_
    can be the guy who sells the TV Station the spectacular footage ! ! Yeee
    Haaah !!

    'Curly Q. Links', Feb 1, 2004
  7. J. Perry

    L Alpert Guest

    Maybe you should have used your car to pull him out ;-)
    L Alpert, Feb 1, 2004
  8. (EvilGrin-tm) Now THAT would be worth having the TV Crews there to film it.

    BTW - to our Canadian Bretheren... I think these guys have been
    migrating through here in Buffalo, NY.... No sooner does it start to
    snow, than some LOCAL person decides, "HEY! I can make that 40 MPH turn
    at... 40 MPH now! I got a new (insertSUVnameHERE)." Amazing how unstable
    those hulking-monstars are, considering how heavy too....

    Oh, that's right. jr. high school physics:
    The more mass an object has, the more inertia it has.
    ie: If that 3-ton truck starts to skid, drop your tranny into 3rd and
    haul-ass outta his way!
    ShujinTribble, Feb 1, 2004
  9. J. Perry

    Gopher Guest

    From Minneapolis:
    Last Monday morning we had eight inches of fresh snow over a fairly
    icy roadbed on I394. I was headed for the city and the left lane was
    blocked by a police car at a previous accident,WITH HIS LIGHTS
    FLASHING. We were poking along at about 25 MPH in a single lane when a
    Explorer pulled out to pass the line. She speeded up to about 45 and
    when she got near the lane closure there was no room to pull back into
    line so she slammed on the brakes, did a perfect 180 and slammed the
    police car still doing about 40 MPH. We all waved to her as we went
    by. I'm sure her lawyer will point out why it was the cops fault for
    blocking the Interstate.
    During the Korean war I drove a Sherman Tank and I wonder what I would
    have to pay to get one that still runs :)
    Gopher, Feb 1, 2004
  10. J. Perry

    xxxxxxxx Guest

    patrolmen already there on my way to
    slow down to the conditions
    xxxxxxxx, Feb 2, 2004
  11. J. Perry

    Brian Smith Guest

    You've got that right, Ed! Any vehicle can be operated in a safe manner in
    any type of condition. It's the lack of common sense and/or skill and
    ability of the driver, that reduces the chance of a safe trip.
    Brian Smith, Feb 2, 2004
  12. J. Perry

    razingkane Guest

    My family was driving back from Kennedy Space Center in a Sebring
    convertible, top down of course enjoying the nice sunny day. Anyway, we hit
    one of your downpours by the time I could pull over to raise the top the
    downpour had ended. The wife looks over at me and remarked why bother with
    the freaking top now, as we all looked like soaked rats and there was a pool
    of water in the car. People just refused to let us over and your right very
    few slowed down. The car rental place didn't think anything about it.
    Guess it happens often.

    razingkane, Feb 2, 2004
  13. J. Perry

    T. Nelson Guest

    J. Perry,
    A story that is common since we have so many stupid drivers. The worst
    ones are the ones that buy SUVs and think that they can drive at higher
    than legal speeds on roads covered with ice and snow. The truth is that
    every driver--even if they have SUVs--should drive much more carefully
    when the roads are covered with ice and snow.
    T. Nelson, Feb 2, 2004
  14. Take the tourists money and kill 'em??? I know that happens in other parts
    of the world.. didn't know right here at home in Florida. Didn't realise our
    Florida roads have crushed shells, no wonder they did look a bit "weird".

    Andy M --Tampa Bay--, Feb 2, 2004
  15. J. Perry

    Keith J Guest

    Rain in FL is odd and especially with the top down, you need to always be
    watching the skies. It can rain at a moments notice also be a down pour
    across the street and you won't get a drop. I didn't believe it until it
    happened to me. Just another oddity of FL.

    Regards to pulling off, well, interstates and state roads in FL are very
    fast. If people feel they can get around you, they'll line up 10 cars deep
    and pass you on the right. No chance for the passed vehicle to move over.

    The fastest stretches of road in FL are 528 between Orlando/KSC, anywhere on
    I-75, I-4 between Orlando/Tampa and anywhere on I-95 from West Palm and
    south. You were just on a speedway and didn't know it.

    Keith J, Feb 3, 2004
  16. J. Perry

    Me Guest

    A few years back I was in Arkansas on I-40W during a horrible ice
    storm (I think it was 1996 or 1997) and the traffic was down to about
    30mph. There were semi-trucks who once they stopped couldn't start
    again. I was in a Hyundai Elantra, and it was rock solid, but about
    every other entrance ramp an SUV would come flying into the
    interstate, slide across both lanes, and hit the median. Some of them
    would roll over, too, but I never saw anyone get hurt. We were going
    slow enough to see them climb out ok. The smoky bears were doing their
    real job that day and closing the highway down one exit at a time
    about 3 miles behind us. It took them a while because of all the
    accidents to follow up on.

    Me, Feb 4, 2004
  17. J. Perry

    Me Guest

    In 2000 from OKC to Tampa I was following a Toyota Supra doing 115 on
    I-75 south. After I hit the limiter (118mph) on my Civic 2-3 times I
    stopped at a rest stop just in time, as two piggly wigglies were
    having a road tax party hidden in the exit ramp to the rest stop.
    Oddly enough they followed me into the rest stop and parked right
    across from my car as I used the restroom (they never got out of the
    car) but didn't go for the Supra. Oh well, at least I didn't get a
    ticket :)

    Me, Feb 4, 2004
  18. J. Perry

    GusTheCat Guest

    GusTheCat, Feb 5, 2004
  19. J. Perry

    Brian Smith Guest

    Have you tried Staples? They sell programmable signs like that. You'd
    probably have to use an inverter for power.
    Brian Smith, Feb 5, 2004
  20. J. Perry

    Aron Guest

    You can probably find one that plugs into the wall but gets 12V DC from an
    adapter. If it's got a wall adapter that says something to the effect of
    INPUT: 120VAC OUTPUT:12VDC then all you have to do is cut the wires between
    the adapter and the display and hook them to a power source in your car
    using the right polarity. Check your documentation and labels for ratings
    and specifications. Use an inline fuse and be careful.

    Aron, Feb 18, 2004
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