Furthur Civic gremlin update

Discussion in 'Civic' started by jim L, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. jim L

    jim L Guest

    Thanks again for the info/ links on your site Tegger!

    Well - replaced ignition switch is working like a champ, and I resurfaced
    my old one so I have a spare if ever needed. I bought the little button for
    the clutch interlock switch, but still can't manage to get my fat hands in
    to pop it in the hole, so I had to revert to duct tape ball.

    Gremlins reappeared - intermittently. fuel pump would run - or not - with
    check light. So I pulled main relay today. I couldn't identify any cold
    solder or stress cracks, but about half the connections had the "not enough
    solder" condition as described. Also one of the double contacts had a
    blackened area that may have had some heat/ arcing problems.

    I didn't have a desoldering gun, so I just cleaned, fluxed & melted existing
    solder & added to it to fill in. It may not last as long - I don't
    now - but it seems to be working right so far.
    jim L, Oct 5, 2008
  2. jim L

    Elle Guest

    Found this desoldering tool at radioshack a week ago. See
    the reviews. I agree it is a great and easy to use tool.
    Plus it is only $11.


    (Was resoldering a/c switch joints on my 93 Civic's heater
    control unit circuit board. Its a/c is somewhat intermittent
    but only on really hot days and after sitting in the sun...
    hmm like the main relay.)
    Elle, Oct 5, 2008
  3. jim L

    Dillon Pyron Guest

    I've still got my old bulb from when I built my first radio, a
    Heathkit HW-10.
    Dillon Pyron, Oct 6, 2008
  4. jim L

    jim L Guest

    Thanks Elle, If the gremlins return or I come across something else that
    needs repairing, I know where to look now.

    jim L, Oct 6, 2008
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