Fwd: Planets Gather on May 5 and May 17, 2000

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by tonylance, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. tonylance

    tonylance Guest

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 13:06:37 -0700 (PDT)
    Subject: Re: Fwd: Planets Gather on May 5 and May 17, 2000

    Hi Saul,
    I was just doing a 10 year retrospective of astronomical postings,
    when I came across this one.
    It is a forgotten prelude to my Outlandish Astronomical Tables of All
    Planets and Pluto.
    You will remember that I said it was a real-time scientific
    investigation for the duration of
    the thread, which was 42 days long.
    Then I posted a copy of my Outlandish Particle Periodic Table Update
    VIII. (Ed.)
    This was a part-time scientific investigation that took 42 years and
    is ongoing.
    It makes you think.
    Thank you,
    Tony Lance

    tonylance, Jan 28, 2009
  2. tonylance

    tonylance Guest

    Big Bertha Thing Christmas

    The Twelve Days of Christmas (see below)

    From a Charles Dickens Birthday Book
    The Langham Birthday Books
    Leopold B Hill, Langham Place, W. London.
    Compiled by B.W.Matz
    Printed in Great Britain by The Woodbridge Press Ltd.,
    Purchased for Christmas in 1921

    Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to Mods and CP Conf.

    (C) Copyright Tony Lance 1997
    To comply with my copyright please distribute complete
    and free of charge.

    The Twelve Days of Christmas

    December 18th
    May the green holly-tree flourish, striking its roots
    deep into our English ground, and having its germinating
    qualities carried by the birds of Heaven all over the world!
    The Holly Tree

    December 19th
    Seasonable tokens are about.... Lavish profusion in the
    shops; particularly in the articles of currants, raisins,
    spices, candied peel, and miost sugar.
    Edwin Drood

    December 20th
    Christmas was close at hand, in all his bluff and hearty
    honesty; it was the season of hospitality, merriment, and
    open heartedness.
    The Pickwick Papers

    December 21st
    And numerous indeed are the hearts to which Christmas
    brings a brief season of happiness and enjoyment.... How
    many old recollections, and how many dormant sympathies, does
    Christmas time awaken.
    The Pickwick Papers

    December 22nd
    It is good to be children sometimes, and never better
    than at Christmas, when its mighty Founder was a child Himself.
    A Christmas Carol

    December 23rd
    Christmas time! That man must be a misanthrope indeed
    in whose breast something like a jovial feeling is not
    roused-, in whose mind some pleasant associations are not
    awakened- by the reccurence of Christmas.
    Sketches by Boz

    December 24th
    I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep
    it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present and
    the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within
    me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach.
    A Christmas Carol

    December 25th
    A Christmas family party! We know nothing in nature more
    delightful! There seems a magic in the very name of
    Christmas.... Would that Christmas lasted the whole year
    Sketches by Boz

    December 26th
    Let the benignant figure of my childhood stand unchanged!
    In every cheerful image and suggestion that the season brings,
    may the bright star that rested above the poor roof, be the
    star of all the Christian world.
    A Christmas Tree

    December 27th
    Another Christmas come, another year gone!... More figures
    in the lengthening sum of recollection that we work and work
    at to our torment, till death idly jumbles all together, and
    rules all out.
    The Haunted Man

    December 28th
    The windows of the house of Memory and the windows of
    the house of Mercy are not so easily closed as windows of
    glass and wood. They fly open unexpectedly; they rattle in
    the night.
    Somebody's Luggage

    December 29th
    Who seeks to turn him (Time) back, or stay him on his course,
    arrests a mighty engine, which will strike the meddler dead,
    and be the fiercer and the wilder, ever, for its momentary
    The Chimes

    The four computer Star Globes:-
    I Mysky Interactive Planetarium and solar system BC www.fourmilab.ch
    (Julian days)
    II Encyclopedia of Space and the Universe PC CD-ROM (Duration of
    by Dorling Kindersley 2007 (Free from Dail Mail)
    III http://www.heavens-above.com/planets.aspx?lat=34.052&lng=-118.243&loc=Los+Angeles&alt=0&tz=PST
    (solar system view of event AD)
    IV Free Download Stellarium Home Planetarium http://www.stellarium.org/
    (39MB EXE file)
    Beta Test version without liability, sometimes needs three
    i Software - Quit
    ii Computer - CTRL ALT DEL (Hold two down and press the other.)
    iii Electricity - Switch off at wall. (Been there, done that, used all
    three! Dec. 2008)

    Stellarium Beta Test Version personal crib sheet (Update I)

    Year change - use copy and paste. (CTRL C, CTRL V)
    Month and Day change - use configuration, save options and quit. <F2>
    Fourth exit - enable Task Manager, in Windows XP.
    Use Window, instead of full screen. <F11>
    2450 BC has to use -2449.
    Two sites used in Outlandish Astronomical Tables <F6>
    (Beijing, China and London, United Kingdom)
    Picture Album of 23 All Planet Events and Pluto. (See two link below)
    Quit after every event.

    (stills and cribsheet)
    http://uk.youtube.com/user/joehorace (the movie)

    tonylance, Jan 29, 2009
  3. tonylance

    tonylance Guest

    Hi there,
    Taking the 2065 AD event as my staring point, I went looking for a
    Ring Cycle of Uranus and
    and found the one below. It gives all the planets and Pluto, with the
    exception of Uranus,
    which is darkside of Earth. (2065 AD see NB I) 12:45 on November 22,

    The three computer Star Globes:-
    I Mysky Interactive Planetarium and solar system BC www.fourmilab.ch
    (Julian days)
    II Encyclopedia of Space and the Universe PC CD-ROM (Duration of
    by Dorling Kindersley 2007 (Free from Dail Mail)
    III http://www.heavens-above.com/planets.aspx?lat=34.052&lng=-118.243&loc=Los+Angeles&alt=0&tz=PST
    (solar system view of event AD)

    Viewed from London looking south. (Daylight events) All Planets and
    Move forward a day at a time,
    with occassional one hour reductions for view.

    At 13:27 on 11th January 2517 AD Until 10:15 on 9th March 2517 AD
    At 14:44 on 30th December 2518 AD Until 8:18 on 7th May 2519 AD
    At 12:59 on 1st February 2521 AD Until 9:18 on 6th May 2521 AD

    At 12:01 on 21st February 2020 AD Until 11:00 on 1st April 2020 AD
    At 13:22 on 7th February 2022 AD Until 7:58 on 22nd May 2022 AD

    At 12:49 on 17th February 1522 AD Until 9:19 on 16th April 1522 AD

    ... At 14:07 on 7th December 52 AD Until 8:29 on 7th March 53 AD

    At 11:45 on 30th October 23 BC (-22) Until 8:19 on 13th January 22 BC

    At 13:19 on 20th October 523 BC (-522) Until 9:56 on 13th December 523

    ... At 15:49 on 15th July 2490 BC (-2489) Until 10:46 on 15th October
    2490 BC
    ... At 15:02 on 21st July 2492 BC (-2491) Until 9:01 on 31st October
    2492 BC

    Ring Cycles of Uranus

    Viewed from London looking south. (Daylight events) All Planets and
    Pluto, bar Uranus.
    The perspective from Uranus, darkside of Earth, still shows all
    planets and
    Earth events. Move forward a day at a time,
    with occassional one hour reductions for view.

    At 16:01 on 22nd February 2559 AD Until 12:21 on 16th May 2559 AD
    At 1545 on 21st February 2557 AD Until 11:16 on 30th May 2557 AD
    At 14:41 on 5th March 2555 AD Until 9:56 on 7th June 2555 AD

    ... At 15:39 on 28th November 2516 AD Until 13:30 on 10th January 2517
    ... At 14:26 on 21st December 2518 AD Until 14:43 on 29th december 2518
    ... At 12:48 on 18th January 2521 AD Until 12:59 on 31st January 2521

    At 17:01 on 20th January 2060 AD Until 8:04 on 17th July 2060 AD
    At 15:52 on 1st February 2058 AD Until 10:43 on 5th June 2058 AD
    At 12:42 on 16th March 2056 AD Until 8:06 on 1st June 2056 AD

    ... At 13:06 on 26th December 2019 AD Until 12:02 on 20th February 2020
    ... At 14:19 on 11th December 2021 AD Until 13:24 on 6th February 2022

    At 14:46 on 27th February 1562 AD Until 9:53 on 9th June 1562 AD
    At 13:00 on 25th February 1560 AD Until 8:43 on 24th June 1560 AD
    At 15:13 on 12th January 1558 AD Until 8:24 on 20th May 1558 AD

    ... At 14:33 on 5th November 1519 AD Until 8:29 on 22nd February 1520
    ... At 12:57 on 4th December 1521 AD Until 12:52 on 16th February 1522
    ... At 14:50 on 10th November 1523 AD Until 9:41 on 14th April 1524
    ... At 15:12 on 28th December 1525 AD Until 10:56 on 30th March 1526

    At 14:00 on 4th April 1063 AD Until 10:51 on 27th May 1063 AD
    At 13:38 on 6th March 1061 AD Until 8:03 on 2nd July 1061 AD

    ... At 14:23 on 3rd November 1013 AD Until 9:10 on 19th February
    1014 AD
    ... At 12:45 on 26th October 1011 AD Until 8:42 on 3rd February
    1012 AD
    ... At 15:07 on 14th September 1009 AD Until 8:18 on 17th January
    1010 AD
    ... At 12:31 on 20th October 1007 AD Until 10:10 on 28th November
    1007 AD

    At 12:51 on 30th March 555 AD Until 9:31 on 6th June 555 AD
    At 12:08 on 3rd February 553 AD Until 9:42 on 31st May 553 AD
    At 14:26 on 15th December 551 AD Until 10:22 on 19th May 552 AD
    At 13:25 on 27th December 549 AD Until 9:19 on 8th May 550 AD

    ... At 14:59 on 29th October 515 AD Until 9:16 on on 20th March 516
    ... At 15:57 on 25th August 513 AD Until 11:02 on 27th January 514
    ... At 14:11 on 17th September 511 AD Until 8:55 on 6th February 511
    ... At 13:04 on 28th September 509 AD Until 9:37 on 9th December 509

    At 15:47 on 13th February 57 AD Until 9:04 14th June 57 AD
    At 15:45 on 9th December 54 AD Until 11:02 on 12th May 55 AD
    At 8:30 on 7th March 53 AD Until 9:41 on 29th May 53 AD
    At 12:40 on 25th December 50 AD Until 6:45 on 10th May 51 AD

    ... At 14:49 on 28th September 16 AD Until 9:16 on 23rd March 17 AD
    ... At 14:58 on 25th August 14 AD Until 10:10 on 27th February 15 AD
    ... At 15:50 on 15th August 13 AD Until 13:05 on 7th December 13 AD
    ... At 15:54 on 5th August 11 AD Until 12:37 on 24th October 11 AD

    At 14:05 on 19th July 23 BC (-22) Until 11:43 on 30th October 23 BC
    At 13:34 on 27th June 25 BC (-24) Until 10:33 on 3rd November 25 BC
    At 12:39 on 28th June 27 BC (-26) Until 8:11 on 23rd November 27 BC
    At 10:52 on 30th July 29 BC (-28) Until 8:07 on 15th September 29 BC

    ... At 13:27 on 24th October 483 BC (-482) Until 8:16 on 1st
    April 482 BC
    ... At 16:00 on 14th August 485 BC (-484) Until 9:04 on 14th
    March 484 BC
    ... At 15:59 on 4th August 487 BC (-486) Until 11:10 on 15th
    December 486 BC
    ... At 13:45 on 3rd September 489 BC (-488) Until 8:36 on 2nd
    December 489 BC

    At 9:54 on 14th December 523 BC (-522) Until 8:24 on 5th January 522
    At 15:51 on 10th May 525 BC (-524) Until 8:23 on 22nd November 525
    At 14:45 on 23rd May 527 BC (-526) Until 9:19 on 30th August 527

    ... At 12:35 on 22nd December 980 BC (-979) Until 9:13 on 7th
    March 979 BC
    ... At 14:19 on 16th November 981 BC (-980) Until 13:07 on 3rd
    January 980 BC
    ... At 15:18 on 27th September 983 BC (-982) Until 11:38 on 22nd
    January 982 BC
    ... At 13:13 on 1st October 985 BC (-984) Until 10:56 on 22nd
    December 984 BC

    At 15:35 on 26th April 1033 BC (-1032) Until 9:12 on 30th August 1033

    ... At 14:55 on 21st November 1480 (-1479) Until 12:33 on 29th December
    1480 BC
    ... At 14:24 on 31st October 1482 (-1481) Until 9:40 on 7th February
    1481 BC

    At 15:48 on 26th June 1529 BC (-1528) Until 10:39 on 16th October 1529
    At 14:56 on 8th May 1531 BC (-1530) Until 9:43 on 2nd October 1531
    At 13:06 on 2nd June 1533 BC (-1532) Until 9:23 on 7th September 1533
    At 14:38 on 6th May 1535 BC (-1534) Until 8:00 on 31st August 1535

    ... At 15:27 on 19th August 1990 BC (-1989) Until 10:24 on 29th
    December 1990 BC
    ... At 13:17 on 22nd August 1992 BC (-1991) Until 8:25 on 24th
    January 1991 BC
    ... At 13:53 on 8th August 1994 BC (-1993) Until 8:53 on 2nd
    January 1993 BC

    At 14:37 on 16th May 2029 BC (-2028) Until 10:21 on 6th October
    2029 BC
    At 15:50 on 23rd April 2031 BC (-2030) Until 11:04 on 16th September
    2031 BC
    At 14:50 on 4th May 2033 BC (-2032) Until 9:16 on 5th September
    2033 BC

    ... At 15:31 on 20th August 2488 Bc (-2487) Until 8:53 on 13th
    January 2487 BC
    ... At 10:48 on 16th October 2490 BC (-2489) Until 11:45 on 27th
    November 2490 BC
    ... At 9:00 on 1st November 2492 BC (-2491) Until 10:11 on 15th
    December 2492 BC

    At 12:46 on 21st July 2526 BC (-2525) Until 8:12 on 29th October
    2526 BC
    At 14:59 on 9th May 2528 BC (-2527) Until 9:08 on 9th October
    2528 BC
    At 15:47 on 24th April 2530 BC (-2529) Until 10:29 on 15th September
    2530 BC

    NB I
    15 May 2000 23:27:00
    Subject: Venus And Jupiter Will Pass 42 Arcseconds Aparts On May 17
    To: sci.astro
    (Newsgroups: sci.astro,alt.sci.planetary,alt.astronomy)

    tonylance, Jan 30, 2009
  4. tonylance

    tonylance Guest

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2008 10:11:20 -0800 (PST)
    Subject: Re: Planets Gather on May 5 and May 17, 2000
    To: swnet.sci.astro,alt.sci.planetary

    Hi Marcus,
    15,000 flying bombs landed on London in 1945, World War II. (V1 and
    15,000 flying bombs then landed on Antwerp in 1945.
    15,000 postings, cross posted to sci.chem and three other newsgroups,
    had the subject line Jeehad needs scientists.
    The blow by blow of what happened, when I pointed Big Bertha Thing and
    pulled the trigger, is contained on swnet.sci.astro, instead of
    I have been the primary user of swnet.sci.astro since 1998.
    Would you honestly want me somewhere else?
    Everyone should have a home.
    Thank you,
    Tony Lance

    tonylance, Jan 31, 2009
  5. tonylance

    tonylance Guest

    From: Tony Lance <>
    Newsgroups: swnet.sci.astro,sci.space.policy
    Subject: Big Bertha Thing redoubt
    Date: Sun, 01 Apr 2007 18:28:32 +0100

    Big Bertha Thing memoriam

    Tony died raising his best friends family,
    His wife needed two helpers, his poor heart and him.
    Carer, postman, welder and domino player.
    RAF aircraft fitter at Battle of Britain and El Alamain.
    Outboxed a voortrecker at middleweight.
    Raised trade union branch president and
    National officer of voluntary .org
    Taught me to keep the faith,
    Mend my bicycle and trigonometry.
    His story is ended, but not yet finished.

    NB (2008)
    'The Air Force have been magnificent all through.
    We should never have got through the wadis except for their help.
    They laid what Tedder calls a carpet for us; all day,
    over and over again they came down to ground level ahead of us,
    shooting up everything they saw resisting the advance,
    and bombing all the anti-tank positions. It was magnificent,
    but it was very costly to them because the Germans have plenty of
    light flak.
    Over and over again in the last few days
    we have found crashed Hurricanes and Kittihawks in our advance,
    scores of them, some with the body of the pilot still in the seat.
    The Germans are resisting desperately;
    if we get through to Tunis it will be because
    of what these Air Force boys are doing to prepare the ground ahead of
    and their self-sacrifice.'
    Quote from fictional letter by Brigadier Carter-Hayes,
    who had just died in Tunisia, about El Alamain.

    From the book Pastoral by Nevil Shute
    Published by Heinemann in 1944

    tonylance, Feb 1, 2009
  6. tonylance

    tonylance Guest

    From: Tony Lance <>
    Newsgroups: swnet.sci.astro,sci.space.policy
    Subject: Re: Big Bertha Thing pin-wheel
    Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 17:19:41 +0100

    Big Bertha Thing uniform
    Cosmic Ray Series
    Possible Real World System Constructs.
    Access page to 714K ZIP file
    Astrophysics net ring Access site
    Newsgroup Reviews including alt.support.attn-deficit

    Animated wire-frame Polyhedron display,
    complete with duals and double precision
    angles to the polygons. Also technical
    program description and 75 pictures.

    Just one thing, thats still outstanding.
    This is a collection of PostScript files from
    the Computing Science Technical Report series
    of organization 1127 of AT&T Bell Laboratories
    report Comp. Sci. Tech. Rep. No. 130
    author Andrew Hume
    title Exact Descriptions of Regular
    and Semi-Regular Polyhedra and Their Duals
    date November 1986
    tm TM 11276-861022-09
    type techreport

    Just two programs ready to run.
    1. kaleido.exe (MSDOS) 86KB (see Zip)
    2. schwarz.exe (MSDOS) 27KB (see Zip)

    Just one description of two programs,
    that do just one thing, better than the next best thing.
    uniform.pdf (Adobe) 676KB (see Zip)

    NB (2008)
    A computer program, called kaleido (cf. [Ha]) and
    publicly available at ,
    has been developed to compute the data of a uniform
    polyhedron (and its dual)...

    Kaleido is also capable of computing the vertex and
    face coordinates and displaying a rotating wire-frame
    image of each polyhedron.

    Two quotes from following attribution:-
    Uniform Solution for Uniform Polyhedra*
    Zvi Har’El
    Department of Mathematics
    Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
    Haifa 32000, Israel

    * In memoriam of my father, Gershon Har’El, who introduced me to
    spatial structures.
    Geometriae Dedicata 47: 57-110, 1993.

    From: Tony Lance <>
    Newsgroups: swnet.sci.astro,sci.space.policy
    Subject: Re: Big Bertha Thing Extract
    Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 15:16:54 +0100

    Big Bertha Thing francis

    To my brother-in-law Francis (RIP),
    who I once called "as daft as a brush."
    To his everlasting credit,
    he replied "I know."

    The greatest compliment,
    my wife ever paid me,
    was to say, that I did not hold a grudge.
    Net surfers do not hold grudges,
    but they are a bit short on victim support,
    whichever side the victim comes from.

    tonylance, Feb 2, 2009
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