Gas prices

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by twfsa, Aug 13, 2005.

  1. That 7.8 was for the last quater, not the whole year. Last year their profit
    was 25 billion and this year will most likely be in excess of 30 billion.
    Here in the US we could be happy with the price compared to Europe.
    Venezuela has gas for 12 cents a gallon. wow.....happy socialists
    wow again,,,12 cents a gallon..Exxon should pull their supr tankers up to
    the pump. Then we could have real cheep gas again. wow again 12 cents a
    Michael Selin, Aug 23, 2005
  2. twfsa

    Larry J. Guest

    Waiving the right to remain silent, "Michael Selin"
    Most Venezuelans live in shanty towns in extreme poverty and can't
    afford cars.
    Larry J., Aug 23, 2005
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