Gas smell after very short run?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dillon Pyron, Feb 25, 2009.

  1. There is a difference between the smell of RAW gasoline and partly
    burned exhaust fumes that go through a cold converter that doesn't
    clean them up. I think the OP was smelling the latter.

    I think some of you have been on a wild goose chase for quite awhile.


    That's a possibility. We have been going on a rather subjective observation
    that it was a strong gasoline smell, but if it was just the cold engine
    exhaust he was smelling you are spot on.

    Michael Pardee, Mar 8, 2009
  2. Dillon Pyron

    jim beam Guest

    it's in the book cite i gave you!!! if you don't see or understand
    that, it's not my fault!

    no, i ridicule the "interpreted" version you give - the one you filtered
    through your lack of understanding.

    wow. utter lack of comprehension!

    whatever you say. don't bother with an engineering career though mike -
    you're out of your depth.
    jim beam, Mar 8, 2009
  3. Dillon Pyron

    jim beam Guest

    what a weak-ass climb-down!
    jim beam, Mar 8, 2009
  4. Too late - I was a senior communications field engineer for a Fortune 100
    company from about 1990 to about 2005. Now a senior IS field tech for the
    same company; more challenging, more troubleshooting, pays better, get
    stranded in some of the most beautiful places in Northern Arizona. Among
    other duties, I determine where microwave system troubles originate and go
    there with what I expect to need to correct the problem - which can include
    damage from lightning strikes - and I have to make it happen better than 9
    times out of 10. I describe the job as "taking Computer Age skills to the
    end of Bronze Age roads in any weather at any time of day or night." I have
    been a troubleshooter professionally since August 10, 1970, after I got my
    FCC First Class Radiotelephone license at age 17, and as an amateur since I
    was 14 years old. I have done essentially all the maintenance on the cars in
    my family since moving to Arizona in 1974, taking most of them beyond the 20
    year mark. (BTW, I have never in my life had a grade lower than an A on any
    physics test.) Your qualifications?
    Michael Pardee, Mar 8, 2009
  5. Do you have something intelligent to say? Write like a man or go away.
    Michael Pardee, Mar 8, 2009
  6. Dillon Pyron

    jim beam Guest

    something intelligent like "if tomorrow the OP reports a fire that
    destroys his Fit and possibly his home"? that kind of a man?
    jim beam, Mar 8, 2009
  7. Dillon Pyron

    jim beam Guest

    dude, i have the first class comms licence books on my desk right now.
    passing that stuff at 14 is not exactly a landmark of academic achievement.

    i'll stop there.
    jim beam, Mar 8, 2009
  8. At 17. You talk a big game but never take the field. Since 2/3 of applicants
    failed the test the first time around it isn't as trivial as you make it out
    to be. Actually, element 3 (not element 4) was the one that got most people.
    Several questions in the real test had more than one right answer: In a
    transmitting tetrode, when the plate is tuned to resonance the (A) plate
    current rises (B) screen current rises (C) cathode current drops (D) grid
    current drops. I remember it because it was the most esoteric question on
    the test, and my favorite. The answer was (C); although B was also correct
    it is not used as an indication of resonance because it can be the result of
    other operating conditions. (A is simply wrong, D is an indication of
    improper neutralization.) But I'm sure you would have breezed through, what
    with your superior abilities and all.

    BTW - if the book still refers to first and second class licenses you should
    retire it, even if it is the classic study guide "Electronic Communication"
    by my friend in the San Leandro Amateur Radio Club, Robert Shrader. The
    "class" licenses were replaced by General Radiotelephone licenses around
    1985, when only the international classes of stations were retained as
    requiring them. The bottom line is: before I was old enough to buy tobacco,
    but smart enough not to, I was licensed to be employed as chief engineer at
    any radio or television broadcast station or any other transmitting site in
    the US.

    So, again, what are your qualifications? What are you hiding?
    Michael Pardee, Mar 8, 2009
  9. Dillon Pyron

    jim beam Guest

    /WOW/!!!! oh, wait, i'm not impressed.

    you're a service tech. whoopee.

    wouldn't you like to know!
    jim beam, Mar 8, 2009
  10. No - you are still thinking like a teenage girl. This is not about your
    petty personal hangups, it is about automobiles.

    If you read almost any other contributor's posts you will get the idea. Your
    perspective is grossly abnormal - most guys stop thinking like that in their
    mid teens - and your obsession with personal issues is just plain creepy.
    Like I said, write like a man or go away.
    Michael Pardee, Mar 8, 2009
  11. That says it all. You have no qualifications whatsoever. We suspected as
    much but at least we heard it from you. That explains why you refused (were
    unable?) to stay on topic and squirmed whenever the topic became in the
    least technical. It also explains why the big bluff of having "physics" but
    never delivering.
    Michael Pardee, Mar 8, 2009
  12. Dillon Pyron

    jim beam Guest

    so being a girl is supposed to be a bad and demeaning thing? what a

    wow, not only are you a drama queen, you're demeaning, sexist /and/

    a "man" like you??? what a fucking idiot.
    jim beam, Mar 8, 2009
  13. Dillon Pyron

    jim beam Guest

    wow, look at the idiot trying to start a fight he won't win! do you
    want to lose a penis measuring contest as well?
    jim beam, Mar 8, 2009
  14. That is the most bizarre and meaningless thing you have written here yet,
    and that is really saying something. I don't know exactly what your problem
    is - the source of your intellectual and social dysfunctions - but I hope it
    is something you can straighten out. If it is a substance problem you can
    kick it; the real world is nowhere near as ugly as the one you are showing
    us. If you are suffering from bipolar disorder a doctor may be able to help.
    All I am sure of is that you are currently one seriously messed up
    Michael Pardee, Mar 9, 2009
  15. Apparently you can't. Go away.
    Michael Pardee, Mar 9, 2009
  16. Dillon Pyron

    E. Meyer Guest

    Surely you've noticed by now that he is incapable of letting anybody else
    get the last word on anything. Just kill-file the old fart and let it go.
    E. Meyer, Mar 9, 2009


    WOW!!! That was the most entertaining example of Net Kookery I've
    witnessed in some time. With Vulcan logic like that, who needs an
    Understatement. Of. The. Year.

    The score is 108-0 .... at the end of the first quarter. Maybe it's
    time to dust off the "Mercy Rule" Michael. :) The continuing
    slaughter, while entertaining, is so one sided as to be cruel.

    Roids, maybe?
    He reminds me of a certain punk-assed 17 year old football jock I had
    the misfortune of sharing a class with. A legend in his own mind,
    suffering chronic testosterone poisoning, who had taken one too many
    shots to the head.

    Still LAMO! :) Thanks Jim!
    Greg Campbell, Mar 9, 2009
  18. Roids are something I don't know anything about. I have known alcoholics in
    my family when I was a kid, and have recent experience with a cocaine addict
    of 30 years' standing, and a meth freak who has let up in recent years (both
    in my in-laws extended family). The effect of cocaine is the one that I find
    easiest to recognize when it gets bad - nothing else I've seen produces the
    lurid and grandiose language with self-adulation. I think that is why I've
    emt recovering alcoholids and recovering speed freaks but no recovering coke
    heads - they think they are walking down a red carpet with flashbulbs going
    off around them while in reality the people around them are wondering when
    they last brushed their teeth - if ever. Alcoholics tend to know they are
    screwed up but try not to acknowledge it.

    I still don't know for sure "jim's" problem isn't medical - either mental
    retardation from childhood or bipolar disorder from the typical adolescent /
    early adulthood time frame. If it is bipolar, it isn't as bad as most I've
    had occasional contact with. Either way, I don't condemn people who were
    dealt a bad hand in terms of their health, but nobody needs to be such a
    jerk. The oddest thing was his use of "drama queen" - I have only heard the
    term used by shrewish women, flamboyant gay men ( the "Bitch!" crowd) and
    coke addicts. Men who can face the world just never think such a thing...
    it's too weird. If he is one of the first two groups (we don't know the true
    sex or sexual orientation of anybody online) it explains but does not
    forgive the insult, but in light of his inability to understand simple
    definitions or simple technical writing I suspect something is taking over
    his life.

    Michael Pardee, Mar 10, 2009
  19. Dillon Pyron

    Dan C Guest

    So, in a nutshell, you're saying that "jim" is a gay cokehead, probably
    bipolar, possibly retarded, and stupid?

    I'd have to agree.
    Dan C, Mar 10, 2009
  20. Dillon Pyron

    Dillon Pyron Guest

    Thus spake :
    To settle this, yeah, it's just a matter of it running too fat for
    just a moment. My guy at Howdy said that it usually happens when the
    temperatures drop rapidly, like it did that day. From the upper 70s
    at 2 pm to the mid 40s by 8pm.

    "Strong smell" was too much of an overstatement.

    Oh yeah, I have not seen any liquid on the driveway or in the garage
    that could be attributable to anything except A/C discharge. So, I
    guess my garage might flood, but it won't burn down.

    - dillon I am not invalid

    Hi, I'm Michael Phelps and Olympic Gold isn't the only
    Gold I'm thinking of.

    Hi, I'm Michael Phelps and when I'm on Maui, Wowwie.
    Dillon Pyron, Mar 11, 2009
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