gas tank leak on a 1990 honda accord dx

Discussion in 'Accord' started by sliceypete, Dec 7, 2006.

  1. sliceypete

    sliceypete Guest

    well i just got my 1990 honda accord dx, it was working just fine, but
    when i fill up the tank it will leak out gas till its about the
    halfway point then it stops leaking. i took it to get it looked at and
    the guy said that the top of my gas tank was rusty or something like
    that and my fuel lines are also rusty and that why it leaks. he
    suggested to go to a junk yard and pick up a gas tank with the fuel
    lines to put in my car, so i went to my locate junk yard and found a
    1991 honda accord that had the same tank as mine. my question is
    should i pick up the gas tank for 60 bucks and get it install for 150
    or is there another fix? he said it would run fine if i didnt fill it
    up all the way. any help would be great, im not very good with car
    things(its my first car). thanks
    sliceypete, Dec 7, 2006
  2. sliceypete

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    You can get a new after market fuel tank and replace the leaking steel
    fuel lines with sections of rubber. Chances of a junkyard tank being a
    long term fix are 50/50.
    I got a new tank and rubber lines on my '92 Accord back in the summer.
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Dec 7, 2006
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