gas tank size in 2000 accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Guest, May 30, 2007.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Anyone know how many maximum gallons a 2000 accord holds? thanks
    Guest, May 30, 2007
  2. Guest

    Gunz4me Guest

    I had a 2000 Accord EX V6 Coupe and IIRC the fuel tank capacity was 17.1
    Gunz4me, May 30, 2007
  3. Guest

    Tegger Guest

    From dead empty, 17 US gallons.

    The Low Fuel light will come on when you've got about two or three gallons

    Why do you ask? If you're trying to calculate your mileage by how far you
    can go on a tank, that's a bad idea.
    Tegger, May 31, 2007
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Tegger, how do I calculate more accurately? thanks
    Guest, May 31, 2007
  5. Guest

    Tegger Guest

    1) Fill the tank up to the top. When it clicks off, wait a few seconds,
    then add more at half-speed until a second click is obtained. This
    minimizes the effects of slosh on the first click-off.

    2) Record the odometer reading and the amount of gas you put in.

    3) Drive around until the next fillup.

    4) Repeat from #1. Do this at least five times or so. You MUST fill up
    all the way, and the same way each time. It is not necessary to use the
    same pump each time.

    You will end up compiling a list of fillups with mileage and gallons.

    It is easiest to record each fillup's details on one line on a single
    piece of paper. Each succeeding fillup will get recorded below the
    previous one, forming a table with rows and columns.

    5) Fill up all the way one last time, recording as usual.

    6) Add up the miles driven since the first odometer recording (very last
    reading minus the very first).

    7) Add up the gallons, but DO NOT include the gas from the very first
    fillup! That very first fillup was an "index", zeroing the count before
    beginning the study.

    8) Divide miles by gallons. That's your mileage.

    The more fillups you include in your calculations, the more accurate
    your result will be.
    Tegger, May 31, 2007
  6. Guest

    Dave Kelsen Guest

    Good advice -- and I don't want to confuse the OP, but the fact is that
    as long as you record how much you put in and how many miles you've
    gone, whether you completely fill up or partially fill up is irrelevant
    except for the initial time, when you completely fill up and record your
    starting mileage, and the last time, when you completely fill up and
    record your ending mileage.

    As long as you know how much gas you put in in between the first and
    last complete fillups, you can correctly calculate your mpg (miles per
    gallon) over that period.

    In other words:

    a.) Fill up as Tegger advised in 1.) above. Record the odometer
    reading at that time.

    b.) Faithfully record how much fuel you put in the vehicle every time
    you put some in, whether it's a fill up, 10 gallons or $6 worth (note
    that "$6" is not an amount of fuel unless you know the rate, i.e. $6 at
    $3.09 per gallon).

    c.) When you want to know your fuel consumption rate, fill up again as
    Tegger advised in 1.) above. Record how much fuel you put in, and the
    odometer reading.

    d.) Add together all the fuel amounts you recorded in b. above, and the
    one amount you recorded in c. Note: do not include the amount of fuel
    in the original fillup from a. above.

    e.) Subtract the odometer value you recorded in a. above from the
    odometer value you recorded in c.

    f.) Divide the value of miles from e. by the total number gallons from
    d. The resulting quotient is your accurate miles per gallon for those

    Sounds complicated to read - it's complicated to write clear, meaningful
    instructions - but it's really not complicated or difficult to do.

    Another way would be to download my mileage spreadsheet (Excel) from
    Tegger's site and enter in your figures; it'll do all the calculations
    for you.

    Dave Kelsen
    Dave Kelsen, May 31, 2007
  7. Guest

    Tegger Guest


    My recommendation for a full fillup every time is
    1) for consistency,
    2) to help keep moisture-laden air out of the tank, and
    3) to ensure the fuel pump always has an abundance of fuel to help cool and
    lubricate it.

    That would be here:

    This works really well, but there's no way of taking a quick snapshot of,
    say, one month in the middle of the rest of it.
    Tegger, Jun 1, 2007
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thank U so much :) i will use these instructions.
    Guest, Jun 1, 2007
  9. Guest

    MLD Guest

    Overfilling, as you suggested, can give you a problem with your emission's
    MLD, Jun 1, 2007
  10. Guest

    Tegger Guest

    Tegger, Jun 2, 2007
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