It seeems like everyone is predicting a gasoline shortage is going to become the new big national security problem. I remember the issue in 1974 was the Cutlass got bad mileage and had a big tank. I wish I had kept it full all the time. I ran out of gas waiting in line at the Standard Oil station in Chicago. The best move has to be to fill the tank and keep it full. Give some flexibility when the spaghetti really hits the fan. Plus, there have never been fewer refineries in this country (all the little regional ones have been mothballed). What happens when Usama flies a Cessna 152 into the Exxon/Mobil refinery? That'll cut refinery production 10% or more in North America. Couldn't they put a big net or barrage balloons around the big refineries? Worked in England in WWII. Maybe Bush and his Oil Buddies aren't doing all they can to see that the inevitable doesn't happen. Don't have to be Nostradamus to see this coming........