General Diagnostic Question?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mwh, Oct 27, 2004.

  1. mwh

    mwh Guest


    There is so much good info being passed around this news group, I figure
    it's time to ask how the pros determine this issue.

    I have a 1992 Civic EX with 152k miles. There appears to be a slight
    growling (along with a steering wheel shimmy) from the drive train that
    develops only when the car is driven at about 80 mph with several braking
    applications (say less than 5 minutes). I suspect that it may be one of the
    following; CV joint, wheel bearing or brake cylinder freezing up. I have
    also noticed that the right front wheel is difficult to remove after the lug
    nuts have been removed apparently do to excessive heat build-up. I am
    leaning towards a frozen break cylinder because I had replaced the brake
    rotors not long ago and now that the caliper cylinder is pushed back further
    into the caliper it may be binding since I'm not really religious about
    bleeding the calipers between brake jobs. Also I think I can rule out the
    CV joint because the boots are cracking but not torn. Would a wheel bearing
    cause this much heat to lock the rim to the hub?

    So I guess my question is. How would the pros diagnose this issue?

    Mike H
    Dover, NH
    mwh, Oct 27, 2004
  2. mwh

    jim beam Guest

    if that wheel is hotter than the rest after driving around town a
    little, it's the brake. simple. rebuild of calipers is not too hard.
    "caroline" on this group describes her success doing this, so search the
    google archive.
    jim beam, Oct 28, 2004
  3. mwh

    mwh Guest

    Thanks for the info!

    mwh, Oct 28, 2004
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