Get Accord 2004 V4 instead of V6 re timing chain / belt

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Daniel TONG, Aug 6, 2004.

  1. Daniel TONG

    Daniel TONG Guest

    I had a 99 Accord and just got another 04 Accord for the family. I did
    research the subject of not getting another vehicle with chain instead
    of belt. I found out that 04 Accord does have timing belt and gave up
    the idea. Somehow the saleman talked me and gave a discount and I have
    another Accord.

    And to my pleasant surprise, it has chain not belt as in the V6
    version (which I checked).

    The thought of a piece of vinyl in the engine always bothered me
    between the mileage of 100 K KM - 160K KM (in my 99 Accord). And no
    matter how well it is made, it is subject to a fluctuation of
    temperature between 30 degree below zero to 400 degree in Celcius

    Was I paranoid about this?

    Daniel TONG, Aug 6, 2004
  2. Daniel TONG

    LBJGH Guest

    Sorry the salesman talked you into a V6. The 2004 Accord I4 has a chain
    drive as well. Oh well, you'll know for next time.
    LBJGH, Aug 7, 2004
  3. Daniel TONG

    JM Guest

    Very, very low failure rate if changed on schedule. Possible for it
    to break, of course, anything can.

    By the way, it's polyester cords in timing belts. Not vinyl.

    JM, Aug 7, 2004
  4. Daniel TONG

    Daniel TONG Guest

    The salesman talked me to a 4 cylinder Accord despite my preference
    for a Camry (mainly because Camry has no belt). Well I have the
    discount to compensate believing that I would have the timing belt. I
    checked V6 Accord earlier and I have the mistaken idea that they all
    have belt.

    I stressed earlier it was a pleasant surprise.

    Daniel TONG, Aug 7, 2004
  5. Daniel TONG

    Saintor Guest

    It is the other way around. The 4 cyl. has a chain and the V6 has a belt.
    Saintor, Aug 7, 2004
  6. Daniel TONG

    KWW Guest

    Also, timing chains are not without problems too. They stretch, can jump
    sprockets, they break, etc. There is no perfect solution.... other than to
    follow the manufacturer's suggestion and service the engine on schedule and
    replace the things that are supposed to be replaced WHEN they are supposed
    to be replaced.
    KWW, Aug 8, 2004
  7. Seems a bit muddled to me - if you got an Accord I4 you got an engine with
    a timing chain.
    It's not vinyl and the hard rubber is only there to give form and shape to
    the belt and its teeth - the real strength is in the internal fabric, which
    I believe now includes Kevlar. Even in a Honda a belt is easier to change
    than a chain; in some vehicles, chain's have been known to go bad as early
    as 150K miles and since you have to go into the wet part of the engine, are
    more work to replace... and can get noisy near EOL or if the tensioner gets

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Aug 8, 2004
  8. Daniel TONG

    John Horner Guest

    Yes :). Timing belts work very well and are efficient. Timing chains and
    their gears can and do wear out as well, and are much harder to change than
    is the typical timing belt.

    In either case, this is not something to loose sleep about or to rule a
    vehicle in our out over!

    John Horner, Aug 9, 2004
  9. Daniel TONG

    SoCalMike Guest

    arent chains considered "lifetime", pretty much?
    SoCalMike, Aug 9, 2004

  10. Not hardly. Only timing gears could be considered "lifetime."
    Grumpy au Contraire, Aug 10, 2004
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