Global Warming and what you can do to against it

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by .., Dec 21, 2009.

  1. ..

    .. Guest

    Dear All,
    As you know global warming is endangering the future of life on the
    planet. It will also affect us;
    rising sea levels, dwindling water supplies, mass deaths due to heat
    waves, stoppage of the gulfstream, which
    brings milder climate to north of Europe, super hurricanes, less food
    due to droughts are some of the effects.
    As you also know global warming is produced due to CO2 emissions
    coming from burning of fossil fuels. So what
    can every single person do to reduce global warming ?

    1) Insulation: Do you know that you can save 50% of heating energy
    (and money) by insulation ? Especially in
    the times the financial crisis, you can make the insulation cheaper
    and save the money when oil, natural gas and
    coal prices are higher due to higher demand. What needs to be
    insulated ? Firstly the Roof, since warmer air
    goes up, then the windows (tripple glass or at least dual glass and
    shutters for additional insulation at night,
    and in summer time), then the outer walls. Also small cracks, leaks in
    weatherstrips etc should be eliminated.
    An infrared inspection of your house for heat losses would be the best
    way to find out what else can be done.
    A wintergarden will help heating your house additionally in winter

    2) Using rechargable batteries instead of alkaline batteries, and
    charge them during less demand ours like at night
    will also save a lot of energy and money.

    3) Lightning; the use of Compact fluorescent lamps instead of
    traditioanl light bulbs will save 80% of energy, the
    use of very new LED lamps will save even more.

    4) Buying local. Most of the energy is spent for transportation of
    imported goods, especially food. By buying local
    made food you not only save a lot of energy, but also create more jobs
    at home.

    5) Heating; there are several way to save energy and money by changing
    the heating method; you can use the free heat
    of the nature by adding a solar thermal equipment to heat the water
    for taking showers and also to heat your home.
    Additionally you can use a heating pump, which funtions like a reverse
    fridge; it takes the heat of the outside and
    transfers it to your home. You use much much less energy to do this
    (electricity to pump a liquid).

    6) Your car; by buying a hybrid car you save 30% of fuel, by
    converting your car to CNG (compressed natural gas) you
    can save a lot of CO2, since CNG has much less carbon but more
    hydrogen, which will result in water (CH4 instead of
    C8H18). CNG will also result in much more energy output per mass. The
    conversion is not very expensive. It is totally
    save, since the storage has to resist a certain pressure.
    Of course there are also other smaller things you have to consider:
    - Each 60 pounds increases fuel consumption by 10%.
    - Aggressive driving (speeding, rapid acceleration, and hard braking)
    wastes gas. It can lower your highway gas mileage
    33% and city mileage 5%.
    - Drive at lowest and constant rpms; 2000 rpm are enough; you can save
    up to 30%. Even a Porsche can be driven at the
    4th gear at 20 mph and at the 6th gear at 50 mph with 2.5 times less
    fuel consumption.
    - Avoid high speeds. Driving 75 mph, rather than 65 mph, could cut
    your fuel economy by 15%.
    - Use air conditioning only when necessary
    - Keep tires properly inflated and aligned to improve your gasoline
    mileage by around 3.3%.
    - Replace clogged air filters to improve gas mileage by as much as 10%
    and protect your engine
    - Combine errands into one trip. Several short trips, each one taken
    from a cold start, can use twice as much fuel as
    one trip covering the same distance when the engine is warm. Do not
    forget that in the first mile your car uses 8
    times more fuel, in the second mile 4 times and only after the
    fourth mile it becomes normal

    7) Buying A++ or A+++ equipments. The extra money you pay for this
    will be back in 1-2 years. It will save a lot of CO2.

    8) Try to save also energy at your job; you can do it by insulation,
    more efficient processes, heat recovery, more
    efficient pumps/engines, low temperature processses, material
    saving, water savings, optimization, automatic turning
    off of unnecessary energy using processes, control if some
    processes are really necessary (the change of some
    processes makes other processes sometimes unnecesarry on which
    nobody has thought about).

    9) Solar cells for your own home; at the moment solar cells are very
    cheap since there is an overproduction. These cells
    can operate a fridge for example.

    .., Dec 21, 2009
  2. ..

    Dave D Guest

    Given the recent revelations concerning the integrity and efficacy of the
    whole global warming mess, I would say that to ignore the entire "big lie"
    would be the first and most germane action to take.

    Dave D, Dec 22, 2009
  3. ..

    Jim Yanik Guest

    AGW/climate change is the latest method of the Marxists grab for power.
    It's all about "redistribution of wealth".
    In Copenhagen,they're squabbling about who gets how much of the "wealthy
    nations"(the US) money.

    Jim Yanik
    dot com
    Jim Yanik, Dec 22, 2009
  4. ..

    E. Meyer Guest

    Here all this time I thought China already had all the US' money...
    E. Meyer, Dec 22, 2009
  5. ..

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Note Hillary is already talking about $100 billion USD for the -first- year
    of the "progressives" world redistribution of (US)wealth.(just a start...)
    That money has to come from *us*.
    Through more taxes on energy.
    Obama has already said he'd like to see gas prices go to $10/gal,....but
    slowly.(So the frog doesn't jump out of the pot.)
    That cuts your freedom to travel,and seriously affects your lifestyle.
    He's said he wants to bankrupt the coal industry. 50% of US electric is
    generated by coal.Obama has also said that he would not permit new nuclear
    plants "without a safe storage site",and defunded Yucca Mountain,the only
    such site in the near future.(and nothing else in the works...)
    Wind and solar is not able to make up the difference,so there's your
    reduction in standard of living coming at ya.
    The US then becomes a Third World nation.

    Jim Yanik
    dot com
    Jim Yanik, Dec 22, 2009
  6. ..

    Tegger Guest

    No no no.

    It will become a "developing" nation.

    You can't say "third world" anymore because it's too close to the truth.
    Euphemisms are the way of the future.
    Tegger, Dec 22, 2009

  7. We're almost there, (third world status), and are broke to boot.

    I so glad that I'm not one day younger than I am so that all you young
    squirts will hafta deal with the mess...


    (Learning Chinese Just In case..)
    Grumpy AuContraire, Dec 22, 2009

  8. Heh heh... "The Mouse That Roared."

    Collect that foreign aid I say!

    Grumpy AuContraire, Dec 22, 2009
  9. ..

    Cameo Guest

    As we know? Not really.
    As we also don't know. That includes you, Cool Aid drinker.
    Not much really, except adapt to it if and when it really comes. Just as
    our predecessors did way before the Industrial Revolution.
    Cameo, Dec 23, 2009
  10. ..

    dgk Guest

    The reason neither party ever stops foreign aid is because it has
    always been a transfer of wealth from working people to corporations.
    Foreign aid always requires the receiver to purchase goods from US
    based corporations. So the taxpayer dollars go directly to the already
    wealthy. Plus, of course, it sometimes does help some folks on the
    other side.
    dgk, Dec 23, 2009
  11. ..

    Tegger Guest

    The people see virtually /nothing/ of /any/ foreign aid.

    Foreign aid goes the foreign /governments/. That's why foreign governments
    clamor so loudly for it, especially the corrupt governments that run all
    third-world countries. The more corrupt and bad they are, the more they
    scream for aid dollars.

    That the money eventually goes to "corporations" is meaningless. Corporate
    bodies (such as the one you work for) produce just about everything the
    world has that's of any value.

    We're rich partly because of the concept of the limited-liability corporate

    You want an excellent illustration of why third-world countries are poor?
    Cameroon provides it.

    Read the whole thing, all 4 pages. It's real eye-opener. And Cameroon is
    the norm, not the excption.
    Tegger, Dec 23, 2009
  12. ..

    Cameo Guest

    While that may be more or less true, it's even more common that the
    foreign aid $s are also used to repay loans to western banks that
    gambled wrong on some foreign projects. I recall one particularly big
    international loan crisis at around 1990 when some major banks were
    heavily exposed to loans that should have been written off as bad ones
    but the bnks kept them on their books so as not to scare their
    investors. Eventually the government came to the rescue with major
    donation to the World Bank and IMF, plus debt forgiveness (Poland got
    two of those) which is just another term for our government paying off
    those bad loans to the banks.
    Cameo, Dec 24, 2009
  13. ..

    dgk Guest

    Everything is a corporation but actually I work for a non-profit. I
    could make more money working for a big bank but I don't want to.

    So Tegger, how come no one stops foreign aid? Republicans should be
    screaming to stop giving our hard earned money to those losers. But it
    never happens, does it? Because the wealthy in this countrly make
    money from it. That's also why we have wars. We aren't fighting over
    WMDs or "freedom" or "democracy". Read up on a true American hero -
    Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler. He won the Medal of Honor
    twice, in two different wars. He fought in many wars. You won't see
    any monuments for him though.

    I'll summerize his beliefs: The wealthy in America realize they can
    get a larger return on their investment abroad than they can at home.
    The soldiers go over to protect the investments.

    He was right.

    And the next time you hear right wingers talking about "strict
    contructionist judges", just think about how corporations twisted the
    14 amendment to be about freedom for corporations:

    The Reason article was interesting but I have to wonder who supplies
    the arms that keep the President in power. I can guess who's making
    money there.

    Here, one of my favoirte sites:
    dgk, Dec 24, 2009
  14. ..

    Tegger Guest

    Most governments are corporations too.

    Ever heard of"rent seeking"? Combine that with governmental inertia and you
    have an unstoppable machine.

    It's the exact same thing that makes /any/ government program so hard to
    kill once established.

    /Everybody involved/ makes money from it, from the lowliest receptionist or
    warehouse worker to the president of the NGO or government department.

    It's the exact same thing that makes /any/ government program so hard to
    kill once established.
    Tegger, Dec 24, 2009
  15. ..

    jim beam Guest

    wow, go to the top of the class!!!

    You'll enjoy this:
    jim beam, Dec 24, 2009

  16. I think that it can be safely stated that no government has ever created
    wealth but corporations certainly have. That "wealth" then filters on
    down in many different directions only to be diluted by a tax system
    operated by the government.

    And yes, create a program, DEA for example and try to kill the beast...
    Never happen!

    Grumpy AuContraire, Dec 24, 2009

  17. Good read.

    I have often wondered just what it takes to penetrate the barrier that
    separates the super powerful and the rest of us...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Dec 24, 2009
  18. ..

    Tegger Guest

    Interesting article, and I largely agree with it, except for John Kay's
    final conclusions.

    Nobody can practice "rent seeking" unless government employees help them
    do it. "Rent seeking" is by definition a manipulation of state power.
    Specifically, it's the manipulation of the state's power to control the
    economy, its participants and its financial output.

    The other day in the Wall Street Journal, there was a very interesting
    article having to with, of all things, catfish.

    It seems that in 2002 American catfish producers were upset at the fact
    that importers were bringing in Vietnamese catfish at a lower price than
    domestic catfish sold for. So they successfully lobbied the federal
    government to change the law so that Vietnemese catfish could no longer
    be labelled as "catfish".

    This failed to have an impact on sales, so in 2003 they lobbied
    (successfully again) to have a high tariff imposed on the Vietnamese
    product. That didn't help either.

    Their next step was to play the "safety" card, but when the FDA ruled
    that there was no evidence that Vietnamese catfish posed any risk to the
    public, the US catfish lobby got legislators to put an amendment into to
    the 2008 Farm Bill that transferred jurisdiction over catfish from the
    FDA (the seafood regulator) to the USDA (which normally has nothing to
    do with seafood), in the hopes that they might find more sympathetic
    regulators in the USDA.

    What's happening right now is that the industry lobby is trying to get
    the USDA to REDEFINE Vietnamese catfish to be a CATFISH again (reversing
    its 2002 efforts). Why? I'm not sure. But what /is/ certain is that the
    lobby is /still/ trying to get government workers to ban foreign catfish
    for "safety" reasons, thus providing the government-enforced subsidy
    that US catfish producers lust for.

    The important point here is simply that unless you have government
    employees willing and able to use their power to control the economy,
    "rent seeking" is /impossible/ no matter how big and rich a private
    company is.
    Tegger, Dec 26, 2009
  19. ..

    Tegger Guest

    It's simple (and at the same time nearly impossible): Remove power from
    the people who work for the state.

    "Rent seeking" is quite simply impossible without a state power
    apparatus to carry it out under force of arms. And that apparatus means
    people no smarter or more knowledgeable than you or me, only wielding
    power that you and I do not.

    See this book for an excellent and eye-opening read:

    And if you truly care about this matter, you'll go through the many
    cases of iniquity and rent-seeking outlined on the Institute for
    Justice's Website:
    Tegger, Dec 26, 2009
  20. ..

    jim beam Guest

    one of the ones i like is mercury in tuna. usda acceptable mercury
    content keeps being raised as these fish become more and more polluted,
    and yet, the same tuna in the came cans, if opened in a fda lab, because
    of it's mercury content, would be classified as toxic waste. why the
    disparity? so that it doesn't "kill the industry"!

    there's no disputing mercury toxicity. it's simply "**** the consumer"
    - just as long as the few people that own the multi-million dollar tuna
    industry keep coughing up their campaign contributions!
    jim beam, Dec 26, 2009
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