Global Warming and what you can do to against it

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by .., Dec 21, 2009.

  1. ..

    Tegger Guest

    Aha, so /that's/ the "safety angle the catfish lobbyists
    are trying to pull: Mercury.

    Since fish is always high in mercury, but land-based food is not, the FDA
    and the USDA could have widely divergent allowable-mercury levels.

    If the catfish lobby succeeds in having the USDA regulate the Vietnamese
    variety of catfish (and only that kind), the USDA would have to create a
    new category for that product. And guess who would "help" the USDA
    formulate the regulations? The catfish lobby, that's who! And they'd make
    certain the Vietnamese fish was found to contain too much mercury to be
    "safe", even though if it contained no more mercury than any other fish,
    domestic or foreign.

    Thus the US catfish lobby would use US government power to ensure
    protection from foreign competitors, even as US consumers pay for that
    protection in higher prices. "Rent seeking" triumphs again!
    Tegger, Dec 27, 2009
  2. ..

    jim beam Guest

    no idea how the vietnamese raise catfish, but fwiu, mercury is mostly an
    ocean fish problem, particularly predatory ocean fish like tuna.
    catfish are mostly freshwater [right?] and one of the few fish capable
    of being farmed on a vegetarian diet. both mitigate against mercury.

    don't talk to me about the logic or efficiency of farmed predatory fish
    like salmon - they need to be fed other fish. and i absolutely fail to
    see the point of having to catch three times the poundage of other fish,
    simply to "farm" one pound of salmon.

    which gets us back to catfish - one of the few logical fish to farm. we
    should encourage foreigners to raise it and stop depleting the oceans,
    not try to suppress it.
    jim beam, Dec 27, 2009
  3. ..

    billzz Guest

    I was just passing by and know how the Vietnamese raise Tilapia,
    because I saw the US AID project in the Mekong Delta. They made a few
    rice paddies into fish farms, and stocked with baby Tilapia. The
    obvious question was, "What do they eat, since a rice paddy is
    enclosed?" The answer became obvious as one of the villagers climbed
    a ladder to one of the small shacks over the paddy, and soon small
    brown objects began falling into a whirling swarm of jumping fish.
    The AID rep. said, "That's why the GIs call them 'shitfish.'"
    billzz, Dec 27, 2009
  4. ..

    jim beam Guest

    that seems perfectly efficient to me!
    jim beam, Dec 27, 2009
  5. ..

    Cameo Guest

    Holy sh*t, and I used to order tilapia at Applebees! Not anymore.
    Cameo, Dec 28, 2009
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