GM Closes 4 Suv and Truck Plants

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Don't Taze Me, Bro!, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    hachiroku Guest

    I'm not, and I agree with him. GM is laying off hundreds of workers, and
    the CEO gets a bonus?

    I actually think instead of Japanese management, GM should consider
    getting some Chinese managers.

    When they phuque up, either they hang themselves...
    or the government doesit for them.

    GM should have anticipated this a long time ago. They *never* learn! This
    has happened at least 5 times in the past 30 years, GM gets stuck making
    vehicles nobody wants and the Japanese surge ahead.

    But this time, even Toyota is getting stuck with supplies of Sequoias.
    hachiroku, Jun 4, 2008
  2. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Dan C Guest

    It's a stressful job. I guess you've never been in charge of anything, so
    it's no wonder you don't understand, dimwit.

    The "shareholders" are the real idiots here. Next to you, of course.
    Dan C, Jun 4, 2008
  3. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Dan C Guest

    How much he makes in comparison to other executives (especially
    foreigners) is completely irrelevant. He was paid an amount that was
    decided upon by the board of directors, who are supposed to be the direct
    representatives of the shareholders. Blame the board, and the
    shareholders, for paying him too much, if you must blame someone.
    Jesus, did none of you ever study economics and the free enterprise
    system? This isn't a commune trying to spread the wealth amongst everyone
    equally. This is a fucking American business, whose goals are (and should
    be) to make the maximum profit possible for the company. How that company
    decides to compensate it's directors/executives and other workers is
    decided by the company. Rick Wagoner didn't set his own salary, the
    goddam board of directors (and shareholders) did. Don't blame the dude
    for accepting what they offer to pay him.

    We've got enough socialism in the country already. Just look at the
    circus which is the Democrat party if you want to see that.
    Dan C, Jun 4, 2008
  4. He sounds more like a capitalist shareholder.

    Why did GM do so well under the reign of "Engine" Charlie Wilson, who
    was a socialist/lib/Democrat?
    larry moe 'n curly, Jun 4, 2008
  5. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Dan C Guest

    Don't know, don't care. I wasn't referring to the political leanings of
    the current GM CEO, or how he ran the company.

    I was talking about the troll's attempt at making it seem "unfair" that
    the CEO makes more money than Joe-assembly-line-worker.
    Dan C, Jun 4, 2008
  6. An excellent point.
    Roadrunner NG, Jun 4, 2008
  7. I agree, but the executives are workers, and GMs paying higher than the
    industry rate for executives.
    Roadrunner NG, Jun 4, 2008
  8. I'm a capitalist, but overcompensating executives that don't perform and
    expecting the company to survive is stupidity that will kill the company.
    Do you need proof? Also, do you have to defame the Lord to make your point?
    Roadrunner NG, Jun 4, 2008
  9. A law against it? Hell no. I think the tax tables need to be
    adjusted. And when he tries to pass on this tremendous wealth to
    whatever progeny might share his genetic makeup, that transfer should
    be heavily taxed. If the company then wants to make a major
    contribution (albeit indirect) to the US Treasury, they can knock
    themselves out.
    And unions are not run for the benefit of the company.
    Tell that to the GM shareholders. I bet not 0.1% of them make as much
    as Wagoner.
    Gordon McGrew, Jun 5, 2008
  10. "supposed to" being the operative statement here.
    Blame the Board (aka his golf buddies), sure. The stockholders' only
    real vote is to sell. Considering that GM stock is worth no more now
    than it was in 1960, I think a lot of them have already voted.
    I agree, that should be the goal. I am telling you that you are
    naive. The purpose of the company is to make the top executives as
    rich as possible.
    And when he sits on the board of their company, don't blame them for
    accepting what Rick Wagoner gives them.
    Democracy is so untidy. Let's just make Bush dictator like he said he
    Gordon McGrew, Jun 5, 2008
  11. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Tegger Guest

    I usually stay away from Usenet politics, but here I must weigh in.

    If you have a problem with the current state of corporate governance, I
    have two terms for you to look up and study:
    the Williams Act of 1968, and
    the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993.

    There are other bad laws also to blame, but these two are the chief modern

    The problem here is not the machinations of ordinary individuals in their
    ordinary course of life, but those of ordinary individuals able to exercise
    state power over those who lack it.

    Often the cure for a political disease is far worse than the disease that
    prompted the cure.
    Tegger, Jun 5, 2008
  12. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Jim Yanik Guest

    isn't that the decision of the company BOD(and the shareholders in a round-
    about way) rather than the government?

    What business is it of the government? (in a Capitalist society...)
    Jim Yanik, Jun 5, 2008
  13. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Jim Yanik Guest

    WHERE do you see any authority under the US Constitution for government to
    make such decisions as to what a private company's execs are paid?
    Jim Yanik, Jun 5, 2008
  14. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Ah,so everybody DOESNT get treated equally under the law.
    If you work smarter,earn more,you get taxed at higher rates as punishment.
    DOUBLE taxation? The guy's income was taxed once,and he should be able to
    pass on his private property(assets) to his progeny without being taxed
    on the same income again.

    You must be a Socialist-Communist;everything is property of the State.
    Or simply jealous of those who do better than you,and want government to
    strip them of their earnings and life's accumulations.
    But it is STILL *THEIR* decision,not the US Government.
    Not in a non-Communist society.
    Jim Yanik, Jun 5, 2008
  15. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Jim Yanik Guest

    It appears YOU are the one who wants to assign "dictator" powers to the
    YOU want the government to dictate to companies how much they can pay for
    certain jobs.
    Jim Yanik, Jun 5, 2008
  16. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Tell me,did you once post by the name "krztalizer"?
    Jim Yanik, Jun 5, 2008
  17. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    ChrisB Guest

    I am still trying to figure out what any of this guy's posts have to do
    with Honda products....
    ChrisB, Jun 5, 2008
  18. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Joe Guest

    Why should the shareholders be pissed? They voted to hire the CEO,
    and they approved his contract. If they are upset, they only have
    themselves to blame.
    Joe, Jun 5, 2008
  19. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Joe Guest

    So? If the decisions of the board are bad for the company, the
    company goes out of business. Tough shit. Someone else will take
    their place, and likely be better run. The shareholders have noone
    but themselves to blame. And the workers will just have to find new
    jobs. It happens to most of us at some point...

    And which lord are you talking about? Personally, I don't answer to
    one, so I have none to defame... Not that I care about your personal
    religious choices, but don't assume that everyone you are talking to
    shares them...
    Joe, Jun 5, 2008
  20. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    bi241 Guest

    let's say, joe got a job cleaning urinals and phucked up..
    why should joe's boss be pissed? she decided to hire joe and she
    approved joe's contract. if joe doesn't wipe the urinals clean, the
    boss only has herself to blame.

    conclusion: joe is a communist!
    bi241, Jun 5, 2008
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