GM Closes 4 Suv and Truck Plants

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Don't Taze Me, Bro!, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. Jeff, nice post,
    as to Mike:
    Impala with V-6 beats the Toyota Avolon and its bigger,
    tied with the Camery v-6, and again the Chevy is bigger.
    To beat the Malibu 22/32 mpg you have to buy a hybred Camery 33/34 at
    substanially more money, the Pirus is listed as well, but its smaller
    than the Malibu, as is the Nissan smaller. Honda has nothing
    in the mid size class, although as far as I am concerned the Accord is
    a mid size, not a full size.
    The corolla wins over the Aveo (sedan 4 door) by 2 mpg highway, but
    has less passenger space
    in the subcomapct range, Cobalt XFE has higher mpg on highway then
    most everything in the class and ties the Honda /civic, yet has more
    horsepower, and more passenger room
    Its intertesting that stuck the Chevy HHR in with
    SUVs, still does better than most of them, and as in my opinion its a
    minivan it beats just about all in that class.
    The chevy 1500 with the small V-8 gets better gas mileage than the
    imports with a v-6, beats the Tundra with a V-6 by 1 mpg, the V-8
    model by 2 mpg.
    In small trucks the Tocoma 4 banger beats the Colorado by 1 mpg, but
    has a smaller engine with less hp.

    To get 40mpg you have to buy a hybrid, and its a beer can most models,
    which is ok for city driving I guess.
    and dropping a gear raises the rpm substantionally and blows the fuel
    mileage out the window.

    Whitelightning, Jun 7, 2008
  2. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Guest Guest

    But your point is valid anyway.

    The facts are BIG displacement engines get poor urban fuel economy.
    It better to use a small engine with more flexible gearing.
    Top keep costs low some manufacturers, such as GM with the base Impalla,
    use only a 4 spd auto, which results in very poor driving flexibility.
    Guest, Jun 7, 2008
  3. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Joe Guest

    I am no fan of Georgie's, but this was clearly a joke. He never
    claimed he wanted to be dictator. He deadpanned that things would be
    a lot easier to get done if he were.

    Release your hate... It's not doing you any good...
    Joe, Jun 7, 2008
  4. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Guest Guest

    The Impalla V6 with it's 4 spd auto is a shitty car to drive. EPA 18/29
    The Impalla I rented had far too much spacing between 3rd and 4th gears.

    Avalon EPA 19/28 is the same for practical purposes.
    The Avalon has a slightly larger passenger volume and with it's 6 spd
    auto I know it will be much nicer to drive.

    The Camry 4 cyl 5 spd auto is EPA 21/31.
    IMO the Camry is the better mid sized car for mostly urban use.
    Carries 4 large adults, has a large trunk, and is easier to park than
    either the Impalla or Avalon.
    Guest, Jun 7, 2008
  5. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    bi241 Guest

    that's a valid point!

    however, proper transmission designs (auto) and shifting techniques
    (manual) are meant to save the engine's life, not fuel. Racing
    bicyclists know this too well. If a bicyclist doesnt drop gears when
    going uphill then he may save himself from some frenzied pedaling, but
    he'll get burned out before reaching the final line.
    bi241, Jun 7, 2008
  6. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    TXB Guest

    I have a stressful job, too. And a Master's. I make .01 percent of that
    and if I were in charge of a division that lost that kind of money, I'd
    be out on my ass in a heartbeat. Stressful job, yeah right.
    TXB, Jun 7, 2008
  7. Point being on extreme grades, like the passes through the Rockies
    yeah its going
    to come out of over drive. But the engine should have enough torque
    and horsepower
    to pull light and moderate grades with out shifting like a yoyo. I
    can pull moderate
    grades at 65-70 mph in my Caviler with it loaded to the gunnels, its
    normal state of
    being for my current career and it delivers 32-34 mpg. It did the
    same on vacation earlier
    this year when we went up to upstate New York from Florida running
    through the Blue Ridge mountains. And then up through Fancy Gap then
    through central PA and finally up into the Adirondacks. We meandered a
    bit, I been in flat lands too long and needed a mountain fix bad lol.
    Point being these fuel efficient small engines have no guts, they
    depend on rpm to compensate. My Cavilear is the same way if I want to
    go like hell it will, and do it quickly, but it has to drop gears and
    wind out to do it and the gas mileage plunges like a rock. That
    makes them just fine for local driving, and urban living buts that's
    all. Then again the places building them that's all they are used for.
    People seem to forget that most countries that manufacture cars aren't
    as big as most of our states, and have used the trains for ever for
    travel. I should know as I lived in Europe for 4 1/2 years. Cant
    wait for the new GM 4.5 diesel to come out for light trucks.

    Whitelightning, Jun 7, 2008
  8. In your opinion you're correct the camry IS a mid size.
    The Impala on the other hand is a full size, or at least as close
    to a full size as you can get today.
    Whitelightning, Jun 7, 2008
  9. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Jim Yanik Guest

    He's NOT saying he wants a dictatorship.
    Evidently you missed where Bush said "IF". Seems he was making a joke,or
    an observation about dictators.
    (dictatorships are "fine" as long as -you- are the dictator...)
    You seem to be inconsistent then,as you complain about the BOD not being
    responsive to the shareholders,but you offer no other solution.
    Jim Yanik, Jun 7, 2008
  10. I don't recall mentioning mpg. I think I mentioned QUALITY. Deming
    taught them to continuously improve quality as a way to long term
    success. GM concentrates on continuously reducing "costs". Those two
    approaches are diametrically opposed.

    GM is also the most pig headed corporation around, but that's another
    discussion for another day.
    still just me, Jun 8, 2008
  11. Many a truth is spoken in jest.
    Why is it hate when I point out that Bush acts like a dictator and
    endorsed himself for the position, but not hate when you accuse me of
    advocating dictatorship when I point out that $13 million might be
    excessive compensation for driving a company into the ground?
    Gordon McGrew, Jun 8, 2008
  12. But I did offer a solution. If we tax all compensation above say $2
    million at an 80% tax rate, it will greatly diminish the incentive to
    award yourself a huge pay day. If you jack up the compensation to
    compensate for the tax rate, it will be even more unjustifiable in
    terms of cost to the company and at least the stolen money will go
    into the Treasury rather than the pockets of these thieves.

    Do you really believe they couldn't find someone at least as competent
    as Wagoner for $2 million?
    Gordon McGrew, Jun 8, 2008
  13. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Jim Yanik Guest

    that's just BDS;Bush Derangement Syndrome.
    Bush did no such thing.That is just what you read into it.
    You're deluded if you believe Bush "acts like a dictator".
    He did a lot of diplomacy before he decided on action.Talk alone doesn't
    always succeed.
    it probably is,but that's still no reason to involve gov't regulation,and
    you haven't suggested any -other- method of correcting "excessive
    compensation. You just whine that it's a "boy's club" and that shareholder
    voting is ineffective.
    Jim Yanik, Jun 8, 2008
  14. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Jim Yanik Guest

    And you thus LIE when you say you don't want to involve government.
    Taxation IS a government function.

    AND you want to use taxation punitively.
    Taxation is for raising revenue,not for punishment.
    You WOULD be a "dictator".You want to dictate arbitrary limits on exec
    pay,without any factual basis.
    Ah,yes,expanding government.
    Then your socialists can dish it out for pet projects and costly,useless
    social programs that make things worse,long-term,as they have in the past.
    Jim Yanik, Jun 8, 2008
  15. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Rodan Guest


    The fuel economy of American cars the same size as made
    by the Japanese is as good as or better than Japanese
    cars, look at the CAFE lists. GM for example, offers more
    cars that get 30 MPG or more than does ANY import brand.


    I didn't mean mpg. I meant QUALITY.
    GM is also the most pig-headed corporation around.

    That'll put Mike in his place. He can talk of measurable
    things like mpg but he can't deny that you have personal
    opinions about 'quality' and 'pig-headedness'.


    Rodan, Jun 9, 2008
  16. If you're going to quote someone, please do it accurately or at the
    very least, try paraphrasing without totally changing the meaning of
    what someone posted.

    Here's what I actually said:
    Mike Hunt brought up MPG in response to my original post. But, I made
    no statements concerning MPG in my original post. That was something
    he brought up on his own. I don't see how mpg relates to discussions
    of quality except very abstractly.

    The point remains - the Japanese whooped our butts in the auto
    industry by concentrating on continuously improving quality.
    Again, mpg is not really pertinent to a macro discussion of why he
    Japanese kicked our butts. Their cars could have gotten mileage twice
    what US built cars did and they still would not have sold very many.
    What allowed them to grab market share was concentrating on continuous
    improving quality and thereby producing products that over time gained
    tremendous loyalty from the public (just as Deming taught them). You
    might want to go do some reading on Deming - although I sense that you
    don't really want to learn.

    As for the pig-headedness, it's a fact: GM has driven every talented
    board member who's joined them off the board in just a few years. In
    most cases the talent has come in with a large stock stake and been
    willing to take a major financial loss just to get out. Why? Because
    GM is run by a bunch of pig headed zealots who live in the past and
    refuse to listen to anyone but themselves. Again, do some learning.
    still just me, Jun 9, 2008
  17. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    None4You Guest

    The Ka has proved highly profitable for Ford despite its low selling price,
    largely due to the lack of spending required in its development. It has been
    the best selling car in its class in the United Kingdom for a number of
    years and commands around a fifth of the city car market. Canada's hottest
    seller for years wasn't accepted here. Because it had controversial looks
    and instrument cluster that people hated or loved. With the correct engine
    both these cars get over 50-60 mpg.

    The Toyota Echo is a model name previously used by the Toyota Motor
    Corporation on the export version of two different models.

    a.. The Toyota Platz (1999 - 2005) sold as the Toyota Echo in North
    America and the Middle East.
    b.. The first generation Toyota Vitz Sold in Canada (1999 - 2005) and sold
    as the Toyota Echo in Australia and Taiwan, several other Asian markets, and
    also in Canada from 2004 to 2005 as the Toyota Echo hatchback. It is now
    sold in all those markets as the Yaris. The Yaris is sold in South America
    and the Caribbean. Its sold mostly in Aruba and has some illegal chains in
    Bolivia. And now the US.
    .. Also Cafe statistics are picked in 5mpg increments. You pick cars in 5
    miles per gallon increments and you cant see the differences in 1 to 4 miles
    per gallon. This argument is pointless. The Scion brand has their mileage
    reduced to increase performance. From the drivetrain they were made from.
    The first generation Toyota Yaris. And most if not all jap / euro / VW
    supermini cars such as the Ford Fiesta , Renault Clio, Vauxhill Corsa.
    have smaller engines that get better mileage then shown by Cafe. However the cars aren't here . Or here
    with those high mileage engines . The Yaris/ Echo/ Scion, had a 1.0 liter
    that isn't here. The US 2006 Yaris get 40 mpg highway and 34 city. People
    are getting 60 mpg in Echos in Canada. But my 2005 Echo that gets 41 highway
    and 35 city with an auto OD transmission. You can compare all day. But GM
    and Ford are political powerhouses. All US sellers of cars are guilty of
    limiting the high mileage cars available in the US. I mean cars getting
    40-60 mpg are across the Canadian border . GM and Ford are most guilty
    because they don't have the high mileage cars to sell. But if you wish to
    argue mileage. Compare against the cars that aren't here for political and
    monetary reasons. Some by GM and Ford/ Chrysler themselves. Then as you can
    see. GM and gas mileage shouldn't be spoken in the same sentence.
    None4You, Jun 9, 2008
  18. Pulease.
    Gordon McGrew, Jun 10, 2008
  19. Where did I say I didn't want to involve the government? I said that
    the government should dictate how much an executive is paid. Obviously
    the government has the right to set tax rates.
    Tell that to the "conservatives" who set punitive tax rates on drugs
    which they previously made illegal.
    Again, no such thing. They can pay him a billion dollars if they
    want. He would clear $200 million after taxes. If that's not enough,
    they can pay him more.
    We don't need to expand the government to justify more taxation. We
    still have to pay for Dick and George's Excellent Adventure in Iraq.
    You mean like universal health care that every other citizen in every
    other country that is not a sinking shithole gets?
    Gordon McGrew, Jun 10, 2008
  20. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Dan C Guest

    Yeah, like that. Yet another useless and costly social program. ****

    If you don't like the USA, why don't you fucking leave, dickmunch? Go
    find yourself a nice, cozy fucking communist/socialist bullshit country,
    and enjoy their "free" healthcare. Just **** right off and die, asswipe.
    Dan C, Jun 10, 2008
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