GM Closes 4 Suv and Truck Plants

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Don't Taze Me, Bro!, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Jim Yanik Guest

    That is just how YOU -feel-.

    More accurately,the purpose of the execs was to make themselves as rich as
    The purpose of the company is to make a profit.
    that is NOT what you said earlier;

    I said; "YOU want the government to dictate to companies how much they can
    pay for certain jobs".
    your reply;"I have clearly stated otherwise."

    It proves what I said originally; "It appears YOU are the one who wants to
    assign "dictator" powers to the government."

    What a WEASEL.
    A DEFACTO limit.
    you set some arbitrary limit;some number you picked out of your ass.
    that you FEEL should be the max salary.
    That's how socialists/liberals work;they don't work on any factual
    basis,they operate on their FEELINGS.
    if those countries are so great,why don't you move there?
    Instead of trying to drag the US down to their level.

    you'd fit in well.
    Jim Yanik, Jun 10, 2008
  2. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Jeff Guest

    I doubt it. Yahoo just turned down a generous take-over offer from
    Jeff, Jun 11, 2008
  3. It is interesting that you consider health care useless. I assume
    that you have declined any health insurance that is available to you
    and intend to wave Medicare coverage.
    Blow me. America is not defined by the denial of health care. We are
    a democratic country and we can vote it in. At that point, *you* can
    leave for whatever godforsaken third world country you choose which
    lacks universal healthcare. I would ask you to write us and let us
    know how it is, but I doubt you will be able to get Internet service

    This is the question I have asked many times and no one can answer.
    What is the second richest country that doesn't have universal
    Gordon McGrew, Jun 12, 2008
  4. And the guys running the company are whom?

    Correcting a typo, the above should read: "the government should
    *not* dictate how much an executive is paid."
    Or a sloppy typist. The corrected posting is consist ant with my
    previous statement.
    Are you ignorant of math? The only limit is the amount of money in
    the company's bank account and any line of credit. If they are stupid
    enough to pay that much, why shouldn't the government tax it at 80%?
    We already have a tax on stupid poor people. It is called the LOTTO.
    Aren't all the tax brackets arbitrary? If you want to lobby for a
    flat tax, knock yourself out. But don't tell me the government cant
    set arbitrary tax brackets.

    And speaking of arbitrary, why is there an arbitrary limit (about
    $115,000 IIRC) on the maximum amount of salary taxed for Social
    Again, max salary limited only by company coffer.
    Beats operating on the basis of what makes your buddies in the oil,
    defense, healthcare, etc. industries rich.

    But if you like, I have a felling that if the maximum salary available
    on the open market were $2 million or so, these brilliant business
    minds wouldn't just go home and bake cookies.
    Gordon McGrew, Jun 12, 2008
  5. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Jim Yanik said;
    GMG said;
    Do I get a refund of tax monies of mine that go towards that program?

    anytime government gets involved,the costs go wild and there's a huge
    amount of waste.Look at the Veterans Hospitals.
    Heck,govt couldn't even run the Senate or House cafeterias without losing
    huge amounts of money and providing poor service.Dianne Feinstein even
    admits it.

    and creating such a social program means MORE government employment;another
    government bureaucracy wasting money.

    Look at what a mess Social Security is.
    Jim Yanik, Jun 12, 2008
  6. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Dan C Guest

    Nice try, but that isn't what I said. Go back and read it again. Now,
    what I actually said was that "the universal health care *social program*
    was useless and costly. Not the same thing as what you attempted to twist
    my words into.
    No, I have good health insurance. The difference is that I pay for it.
    What a concept!
    Why would I want to leave? I have good health care, and I'm not the one
    complaining about how fucked up America is. Damn, man, try to stay
    Who cares?

    Go spew your socialism to idiots that want to hear it. This is America.
    Dan C, Jun 12, 2008
  7. LOL... GM is pig-headed. Yahoo is just plain stupid :)
    still just me, Jun 12, 2008
  8. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Jeff Guest

    I disagree. Yahoo is both stupid and pig-headed.
    Jeff, Jun 12, 2008
  9. Oh, I dunno. GM has steadfastly refused to recognize marketplace
    realities since the 1970's. I think they far exceed the pig-head
    count. Just last year Roger what's-his-name was complaining that
    raising the CAFE standards wasn't fair because "the Japanese sell more
    small cars than we do" "we sell mostly trucks". Later in the same
    speech he complained that "truck sales are down". Apparently
    connecting those two dots was impossible for him.

    GM has also forced any knowledgeable business person who has joined
    their board off of it within a couple years simply by refusing to
    listen to anything new. They've also been doing that for decades.

    Yahoo has a long way to go to reach that kind of attitude.
    still just me, Jun 14, 2008
  10. I would gladly grant that, but you have to refuse any care you can't
    pay for. The hospitals have enough uninsured patients who can't pay
    for their medical care without have to deal with fools who had
    coverage available and turned it down.
    Medicare is far from perfect but it does provide coverage for everyone
    over 65 - obviously the most expensive demographic for healthcare. It
    does so for a mere 2% income tax, a rate that is affordable to
    everyone. By contrast, if you are younger than 65 and seek private
    health insurance outside of employment, you could be paying $500 or
    $1000 a month or more or it might not be available at any price. If
    you don't have insurance, you pay triple what the insurance companies
    pay. If you have a serious illness or accident, you will be amazed
    how fast you can run up a half million dollars in medical treatments.
    No wonder more than half of the bankruptcies in the US are caused by
    medical bills.

    The current private healthcare system in the US is in chaos. It is
    completely broken and the only people who are not aware of this are
    those who have the good fortune to not have been seriously ill.
    Gordon McGrew, Jun 14, 2008
  11. You think Medicare is useless and costly? That is the closest thing
    to a "universal health care social program" we have ever had in this
    country. Unless you have quality insurance through an employer, you
    probably can't get it or can't afford it even if you are a younger
    person in average health. Can you imagine what the premium would be
    if you had to seek private health insurance at age 68 if you had been
    cured of cancer five years earlier? It would have to be north of
    $10,000 a month - with big deductibles, co-pay and minimal drug

    I know a woman - under 30 - who had never had anything beyond routine
    healthcare in her life. She paid a hefty premium for private health
    insurance from Blue Cross (she is a full time student). Two months
    after she got the insurance she started having excruciating headaches.
    After several weeks of hospital admissions, diagnostic tests, etc. it
    was determined that she had a potentially dangerous condition which,
    in her case, abated on its own. It is possible that it may return or
    it may not. Blue Cross cancelled her coverage and is refusing to pay
    the $25,000 in medical bills. She had failed to disclose that she had
    had a sinus infection years earlier that was treated with antibiotics.
    Prior sinus infections are correlated with the condition she suffered.
    Now she is 20-something, unemployed, uninsurable and $25,000 in debt.
    Do you think she would consider a "universal health care social
    program" useless and costly?

    Really? Do you pay all of it or, does your employer chip in? Most
    healthy people with insurance think they are immune to the crises in
    US healthcare. Every year, a small but significant percentage of them
    experience a set of circumstances which throws them into healthcare
    hell so fast they don't know what happened.
    So you wouldn't leave if America adopted a "universal health care
    social program" which turned us into "a nice, cozy fucking
    communist/socialist bullshit country"?
    America is a country where I can say what I want. If you don't like
    that, you can move to some third-world fascist hellhole.
    Gordon McGrew, Jun 14, 2008
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