Gremlins in my civic - help!!

Discussion in 'Civic' started by jim L, Sep 11, 2008.

  1. jim L

    jim L Guest

    94 Civic EX 5 speed.

    Intermittent ( now not so intermittent ) problems.

    Initially I thought I had problem with a dead spot in the starter. It
    would occasionally not want to crank, but I could hear solenoid or relay
    click when turning key to start. most times it started fine, no dragging.
    and push start or moving car in gear worked.

    Yesterday, something different happened to cause me to think it's possibly
    ingnition switch or something similar. Engine was warm - had driven about
    15 miles. Tried to start it, It would fire up, then die w/ no idiot
    lights. happened repeatedly - start - run & die. If I turned ig on, would
    get idiot lights , but the would go off when i cranked and it fired, and
    stay off. Finally, I backed key a hair from run position & lights came on.
    Check Engine light went out after about 3-4 secs but rest of lights stayed
    on. I cranked it & it started & ran fine. I drove home w/o investigating
    furthur. Note ! all other elec worked like they were supposed to depending
    on key position - a/c blower, windows, radio, horn, etc - just engine
    circuits & idiot lights seem affected.

    Got it home, & it started & ran fine all day yesterday.
    This morning, started up & went a couple miles. accidently killed it at red
    lights, and it wouldnt start. This time, no solenoid or relay click. Had
    to get a push start & took care of errand w/o turning it off. Got home, and
    still wont start. ( I'm sure it will with a push start )

    Any ideas from people here?

    Also - where is Clutch interlock switch located. I couldnt find it on
    petal - there is another switch for the cruise control that senses petal

    Also, is check engine light supposed to turn off w/ engine not running in on

    jim L, Sep 11, 2008
  2. jim L

    jim L Guest

    BTW I did find clutch interlock switch @ top of petal - It stopped raining
    long enough to climb underneath. Haven't figured out yet how to unplug the
    2 wires yet to jump or test.
    jim L, Sep 11, 2008
  3. jim L

    e.meyer Guest

    This is the classic symptom of a bad ignition switch. There was a
    massive recall on them that may have included your car. Check with
    the dealer.
    e.meyer, Sep 11, 2008
  4. jim L

    Tegger Guest

    Bingo. Ignition switch.
    Tegger, Sep 11, 2008
  5. jim L

    Tegger Guest

    You may want to have a look at this page:

    and this one:
    Tegger, Sep 11, 2008
  6. jim L

    jim L Guest

    Thanks Tegger, I've been looking at your site and explanation. I guess
    I''ve eliminated the clutc interlock, because I jumped it & still no go. I
    can start car by jumping solenoid, so I'll have to get by that way till I
    can get another switch before tackling accessing switch - as that's my only
    transportation for now.

    Any ideas on best place to get replacement switch from?
    BTW - the problem with starting & dying & lights hasn't happened today -
    just starter circuit.

    I'm curious about starter cut relay which shows up in series w/ interlock
    switch on wiring diagram. any ideas on how to determine if it may be a

    jim L, Sep 11, 2008
  7. jim L

    Tegger Guest

    The dealer. Or a car at the wreckers. I'd recommend a brand-new OEM one

    If you know how to solder, go cheap and refurbish yours as per the page I
    referenced. Do it right and that's your fix anyway.
    Tegger, Sep 12, 2008
  8. jim L

    Jim Yanik Guest

    best to take out the main relay,open it up and resolder it,and eliminate it
    as a trouble source....without spending any money on parts.

    Tegger's excellent site also tells about how to do that.
    Jim Yanik, Sep 12, 2008
  9. jim L

    jim L Guest

    Hi - removed switch - Contacts are pitted exactly as in your how-to. I
    dressed contacts with file, and attempted to fill in pits with solder, but
    didn't work well - Iron didn't get hot enought & i think i need flux as
    well. reassemmled and it is working for now. I'm ordering another used OEM
    switch - $70.00 + shipping.

    BTW the starting circuit problem was the clutch interlock switch. It seems
    to me that a bushing to contact the switch was missing from the clutch petal
    arm I wonder how it managed to work at all. At any rate there was no room
    for more than one finger up in there - so I couldn't get a bolt or anything
    into the hole, but i did manage to get a ball of duct tape into the arm
    behind the switch sticky side out that is serving the purpose, and the
    interlock works as advertised now.

    jim L, Sep 13, 2008
  10. jim L

    Tegger Guest

    That little coin of plastic is maybe two bucks at the dealer. You can just
    buy a new one and pop it on.

    Thanks for the update.
    Tegger, Sep 14, 2008
  11. jim L

    jim L Guest

    That's good to know - The one for the cruise control switch was missing as
    well, but I just put a machine bolt into it & adjusted the switch. If the
    ball shifts when the glue on the tape dries up, I'll get one.

    BTW - I got some flux & solder & a better iron so I think I'll try & fill
    the pits in the old switch - leave bottom cover off & monitor it. It gets
    warm - i guess around 130-140 deg at post after 5- 7 minutes of driving as
    it is.
    Since I have to pull switch again to route cables thru column, I'll try to
    make a better repair, & figure if it doesn't get any warmer than that after
    an hour or two of operation, figure it may last.

    jim L, Sep 14, 2008
  12. jim L

    Jim Yanik Guest

    better get one for the BRAKE pedal,too.
    On my 94 Integra GSR,that plug crumbled and the brake lights stayed on
    until I pulled a fuse.
    Jim Yanik, Sep 14, 2008
  13. jim L

    jim L Guest

    Good Idea Jim. I have a look at it

    jim L, Sep 14, 2008
  14. jim L

    jim beam Guest

    take all the junk off your key chain and make sure you return the key to
    the full "run" position after starting, don't just release it and rely
    on spring pressure. this makes sure the terminal face areas are in full
    contact and that will keep temperature down. you only get heating if
    the contact area is reduced for some reason.
    jim beam, Sep 14, 2008
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