Guys, please check this

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by John, Aug 19, 2005.

  1. John

    John Guest

    Hello guys,

    I'm a little strapped for cash. So what I did to help me and other people
    out is I put this on e-bay:

    If you think it will help you out please purchase a copy. It will definitely
    help me out with the upcoming school bills.

    Local dealer wanted $170 for an upper control arm. NAPA, AutoZone and
    PepBoys wanted in the range of $140. The cheapest I found on the internet
    was $115 + $10 S&H. Then there's this website I'm offering. I purchased a
    quality upper control arm for my 92 civic for $65 along with some other
    parts at great discount. I think you can save money for any make/model car.

    Again, you'll save more than you pay for the link and at the same time help
    me out greatly with my bills.

    John, Aug 19, 2005
  2. John

    Casey Guest

    John said
    Let me get this straight ... you are on eBay selling a URL to a
    commercial autoparts website?

    Casey, Aug 19, 2005
  3. You sound surprised. Why? There is alot of useless crap on ebay everyday.
    That's not even counting the scams that get perpetuated all the time.
    Alex Rodriguez, Aug 19, 2005
  4. John

    John Guest

    What's your point?
    John, Aug 20, 2005
  5. John

    Nick Guest

    Get a job you scumbag. And if you have one, work OT to afford the
    parts you need for your car. We work hard for our money to get the
    things we want and so should you.
    Nick, Aug 22, 2005
  6. John

    John Guest

    Tell that to your rich neighbors. Don't come crying to me (I probably work
    more hours than you do and still getting paid less). Talk about hard work.

    Any fucking way... If you don't want the information, SKIP it, don't come
    with insults. In two words: mind your own fucking business.

    The auction is over anyway, and I won't repost it. It wasn't a scam. It's a
    real website with real parts that fit specs that are much cheaper than
    dealer or autozone or whatever. I was charging for providing the information
    and nothing else. Of course if someone wants to pay for the info, that's
    their business. I'm not forcing them to do any fucking thing.

    But you dumshit, you come telling me to work hard for what I have. That's
    what I've been doing all my fucking life. Do you want to teach me something
    new, Dad?

    Jealous uncle sam. You should work for IRS you whore.
    John, Aug 24, 2005
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