hail damage

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by trailer, Mar 30, 2008.

  1. trailer

    trailer Guest

    Last night I got trapped in a pretty big hail storm (east Texas). I was in
    my 2008 Ridgeline, 2000 miles.

    Although no glass was damaged (that I can find), I've got about 40-50 dents
    in the hood and about 15-20 on the cab roof. I was able to finally find
    some shelter which probably prevented more damage.

    With this many dents, can the hood be fixed? I have heard that hail dents
    can be repaired but I wonder about the number of dents.

    2008 Ridgeline RTL
    trailer, Mar 30, 2008
  2. trailer

    Jim Yanik Guest

    I used to have a 90 Prelude SI that went thru TWO hailstorms a month apart
    in 1993(Orlando,FL).No glass breakage,no plastic stuff broken.
    The body shop tab was $2700,$100 deductible.They replaced the hood and
    trunk lid,but filled in the dents on the roof,repainted the whole car.
    The first day I was driving to work after the repair,got to around 50
    mph,and the windshield/cowl started vibrating severely,scared the crap out
    of me.The hail dents ruined the structural integrity of the car.I ended up
    trading it in at 20K miles,for an Integra GS-R.

    Your body shop should replace the hood.
    The insurance company will probably OK it,like they did for my
    car.(StateFarm)It's far cheaper to replace it than repair and repaint the
    dented one,and will look better.
    Jim Yanik, Mar 30, 2008
  3. All the dents can be repaired. Beware the fly by night people who crawl
    out of the woodwork when hailstorms have passed. That counts not only
    for cars, but for houses/roofs, etc.

    A local place that's been around for awhile is your best bet. Get an
    estimate. They can all be fixed. I don't know if it's worth the cost,

    Is any paint broken? Probably not.

    If not, then absolutely nothing has changed about your car other than
    your perception of it (and that of others, obviously). It still does
    everything you wanted it to do.

    Insurance companies hate claims like this, and may deny it. You may end
    up filing this under the "shit happens" category.

    And yeah, until it gets older, the resale value is diminished. The same
    thing could happen if some dimwit hit your car and caused you to replace
    body panels--without the factory serial stickers on those panels,
    everyone knows you were in a wreck and guess what? the car has
    diminished value.

    Like I said, "shit happens".

    We had a hailstorm a year or two ago; most people shrugged their
    shoulders and went on with their lives, once the insurance companies
    denied the claims. A friend of mine had a fairly new Jeep, similar
    situation to yours. He's still driving it, and it still has the dents.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Mar 30, 2008
  4. trailer

    News Guest

    It's a truck.
    News, Mar 30, 2008
  5. trailer

    Jeff Guest

    Take it to a body shop and talk to your insurance company representative.

    Jeff, Mar 30, 2008
  6. trailer

    MLD Guest

    I had the same problem some years ago. My car (only one month old at the
    time) looked like someone took a ball peen hammer to it. Hood, roof, fenders
    and trunk were a disaster, windshield gone. Got the car into a good body
    shop and they replaced all--the roof can be replaced. Don't even bother to
    try and get it repaired it will show up sooner or later.
    MLD, Mar 31, 2008
  7. trailer

    JXStern Guest

    Case by case, just have to see.

    Or, repaint the vehicle in camo and stencil "urban assault vehicle" on
    the sides.

    JXStern, Mar 31, 2008
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