hair line fracture warrants replacement but honda refuses to replace engine!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by aadler, Nov 22, 2005.

  1. aadler

    aadler Guest

    What do you think about this one: I gave my car in for the 30,000 mile

    service and since then I have had only heartache. First they replaced
    the transmission when some lights on the dash board indicated a problem

    with the transmission (or was it the engine?), next I noticed I had a
    leak. It is possible that the leak has always been there but I never
    would believe that a 3 year old car would be leaking! I gave it in.
    First they said it was the casket, next they tell me that I have a hair

    line fracture in the engine block.
    I opened a case with Honda as the dealer said that Honda refused to
    replace the engnine only fix it wish sealant. I notified honda that I
    would accept nothing less than a new engine. Rediculous for me to
    accept anthing less. Is honda going to tell me that they produce such
    junk that cracks after three years? Is this related to the 30k service

    or is this a manufacturering fault?
    My wife is planning to make a cursade from this and contact all public
    means possible i.e radio, TV, consumer afairs and BBB. In addition, we

    have a relative who is an attorney who will help us with this.
    I searched this site for someone with a similar issue.
    Alex Adler
    Brooklyn, NY
    aadler, Nov 22, 2005
  2. aadler

    TomP Guest

    Why do people go "Chicken Little" over every little problem they encounter
    in life?


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    TomP, Nov 24, 2005
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