halfshaft snap rings

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Daniel Garrison, Jul 27, 2004.

  1. in the manual it says to replace these every time the halfshafts are removed
    from the vehicle. How important is this step? I went to ever auto parts
    store around and no one had them? they dont look that damaged. What am i
    looking at if i decide to put them back on (after a clutch job) without
    replacing the snap rings
    Daniel Garrison, Jul 27, 2004
  2. Daniel Garrison

    motsco_ _ Guest


    They are totally important. New ones are thicker (because they haven't
    been worn thin), the springiness is stronger, because they haven't been
    heated / cooled about 500,000 times, and they help you sleep better. . .
    .. . You'll sleep better because you don't have to envision your drive
    shaft popping out of your transfer case while climbing a hill, passing a
    long semi-trailer unit with your wife and kids in the car. . . . Did i
    forget to mention the on-coming traffic?

    Best to play is safe and replace them. :) I suggest Honda will have
    them, even if you have to pay double what they sell for at the
    'half-shaft reconditioning' places.

    motsco_ _, Jul 27, 2004
  3. They are only replaced if they are broken or lost. I'd be surprised
    if even the dealer carries them. Most axle remanufacturers reuse the
    old ones.

    R. Scott McKernon
    Store Manager
    Olympic Auto Parts
    9136 Gaither Rd
    Gaithersburg, MD 20874

    Scott McKernon, Jul 27, 2004
  4. Daniel Garrison

    disallow Guest

    New ones came with the CV boot kit I got with my 87 prelude.

    I don't think the shafts are goin anywhere, unless the
    balljoint pops while you are passing a semi going uphill
    into oncoming traffic....

    disallow, Jul 28, 2004
  5. Daniel Garrison

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    Usually the boot kits come with the snap rings that hold the joint to the
    shaft too... Those break a lot more often than the rings that go into the
    transmission. I only replace the rings if they break.
    Jafir Elkurd, Jul 29, 2004
  6. excellent, I was suprised how hard these are to find. Even a call to the
    dealer yeilded no results
    they said to check napa, cause thats where they get em. And napa told us
    they didnt have em. At that point i was sick of looking and i made the
    movement towards not replacing the rings and just sticking them back in the
    Daniel Garrison, Jul 29, 2004
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