Having trouble parking 2007 Honda Civic

Discussion in 'Civic' started by yun.wang, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. yun.wang

    yun.wang Guest

    I just bought a new 2007 honda civic LX sedan.
    The view won't show where each corner of the front side is. How should
    I park avoid bumping into other cars on th left and right.
    Same trouble backing out of a parking spot with the rear end. So
    frustrating... :(
    Thanks in advance!
    yun.wang, Mar 19, 2007
  2. yun.wang

    Art Guest

    The style is not unlike my old but much large Chrysler 300M. You will
    adjust to it. In the beginning I got out a few times and looked. Your
    cabforward design means that there is not much in front of you. The rear
    end is short too.
    Art, Mar 19, 2007
  3. yun.wang

    MAT Guest

    Mess around with some cones or maybe an empty trashcan and discover your
    MAT, Mar 20, 2007
  4. yun.wang

    isquat Guest

    When I see dented bumpers on toyolet camry (I see them often)
    I think the owners discovered the tolerances by bumping
    into something more substantial (like 300).
    Did Chrysler start the Shitty Visibility (tm) with 300 or
    there were other precedents with cars even before that shitbox?
    isquat, Mar 20, 2007
  5. yun.wang

    Bucky Guest

    I think most modern cars are in the same situation. In some countries,
    it is popular to install a vertical "antenna" in the front corners to
    show where the corners are. Otherwise, practice with some cones or
    other flexible objects (cardboard box, etc).
    Bucky, Mar 20, 2007

  6. It also illustrates the devolution of the species. We are becoming a
    heard of babbling idiots soon to be unable to utterly care for ourselves.

    Sad indeed...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Mar 20, 2007
  7. yun.wang

    z Guest

    One of the internet places that specializes in JDM stuff has a
    replacement JDM bumper (for civics, I think it was) with an apparently
    rare option that actually raises an indicator up from the corners of
    the bumper when you push a button. Wish I could afford it.
    z, Mar 21, 2007
  8. yun.wang

    sndive Guest

    Just put limo-style four jap flags in all four corners of the car
    and steer clear of freeways :)

    I'm puzzled why I see no 300s with dented bumpers though.
    Despite the poor visibility the owners must be aware of the
    fact that they are driving a huge pig and are careful (slow!!!)
    in tight spaces. I hate those parking lot crawlers.
    Can't they go shopping in something else???
    sndive, Mar 21, 2007
  9. yun.wang

    Brian Smith Guest

    If they were that smart, they wouldn't have bought a Chrysler in the
    first place. {;^)
    Brian Smith, Mar 21, 2007
  10. yun.wang

    Art Guest

    The reason why you don't see 300's with dented bumpers is the huge cabins.
    Poor visiablilty but the front and back of the car are relatively close to
    the front and rear windows respectively making parking easy. Seeing a
    traffic light is the real problem.
    Art, Mar 22, 2007
  11. yun.wang

    John Horner Guest

    Lots of modern cars have this problem. You just have to learn to guess!
    John Horner, Mar 22, 2007
  12. yun.wang

    Mendel Leisk Guest

    We went from a 1991 Honda Accord to a 2006 Civic (Hybrid). Right away
    I found the read visibility was definitely not as good with the new
    car. The higher/smaller rear windows, thicker rear corner pillars and
    rear seat head rests all contribute to making me much less sure of
    what's behind me. In time, you adapt: shoulder check more carefully,
    etc. But I agree, it's not that great.
    Mendel Leisk, Mar 22, 2007
  13. yun.wang

    Brian Smith Guest

    I hope you never attempt to guess if you're too close to my vehicle!
    Brian Smith, Mar 22, 2007
  14. yun.wang

    JXStern Guest

    Something like:

    Could use some meself for an Accord.

    Does Honda offer them?

    Great, they've updated the site, my security settings are breaking the
    display. Most dealers can probably do aftermarket stuff anyway.

    JXStern, Mar 23, 2007
  15. yun.wang

    John Horner Guest

    Well smart guy, I haven't ever hit another vehicle. The point is that
    with most modern cars the driver is not able to see the corners of their
    car from the driver's seat. Personally I think this is a horrible
    design tradeoff, yet almost all new cars are like this.

    Perhaps you would rather I said that a person must learn to accurately
    estimate where the corners of their vehicle are.
    John Horner, Mar 26, 2007
  16. Hi,

    in Europe, you can order sensors (built-in) original from Honda as a
    option. Costs about 400 dollars.


    Blackbird-EBOS, Mar 26, 2007
  17. yun.wang

    Robert Guest

    I'm puzzled why I see no 300s with dented bumpers though.
    I have a '96 Mercury Grand Marquis that's my daily driver (another
    "huge pig,") but it certainly does have well-defined corners and, on
    top of that, sensors on front and back bumpers. But we also have a '07
    Ody, which has nearly zero visibility of the front (sensors on the
    back only) and I've gotten used to that too. It's all in what you get
    used to. I'd just say practice with cones or something until you're
    used to the car.
    Robert, Mar 26, 2007
  18. yun.wang

    Brian Smith Guest

    The same thing is available in Canada. But they are made for people that
    aren't capable of driving their vehicles.
    Brian Smith, Mar 26, 2007

  19. Same here in America. Sonalarm or something like that.
    Hachiroku ハチロク, Mar 27, 2007
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