Head Gasket Replaced - Problem Still Exists!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by John McConnell, Apr 8, 2004.

  1. So, my 1994 Honda Civc VX had a problem of slowly overheating. After
    analysis by my mechanic they really weren't sure what it was -
    replaced thermostat, did some other stuff. No fix. So, I looked on
    line and figured it might be the head gasket. They said they thought
    that could be it, and the replaced it. The problem still exists.

    What do I do about the money put into fixing something that wasn't the
    problem, and is there any ideas out there about what the problem could


    John McConnell
    John McConnell, Apr 8, 2004
  2. John McConnell

    mike Guest

    which is a sign of a crappy mechanic.
    are you losing coolant?
    did they pressure test the system?
    you need a new mechanic. if they pressure tested it and it held pressure, id
    suspect the water pump/radiator/thermostat.
    mike, Apr 8, 2004
  3. =====================

    Experience is what the money paid for. Now you have more than you had
    previously :-(

    You need to determine (and explain to us) a few simple diagnoses:

    1 Do your radiator fan(s) ever come on?

    2 Do they come on when A/C is turned on and functioning?

    3 Is your reservior tank half-full, according to the owner's manual? (if
    not, don't even bother answering any of these questions)

    4 Does the car overheat on the highway, or does the gauge only soar when
    you get back into slow traffic / at traffic lights.

    5 What's the mileage of the vehicle, and are the symptoms still EXACTLY
    the way they were before the head gasket?

    6 Are you losing coolant, and where does it leak from? How often do you
    add it?

    7 Are you the original owner, and was the water pump changed when the
    last timing belt was done?

    8 Have you ever added tap water to the system?

    Reply to group.

    'Curly Q. Links', Apr 8, 2004
  4. Experience is what the money paid for. Now you have more than you had
    I have been checking that over the last couple days, and it doesn't
    seem to come on.
    The A/C doesn't work.
    The car overheats on the highway after a few minutes, and on warmer
    days (I'm in Vermont) it has started to overheat in the city after
    driving for 20 minutes or so. As it turns out, today I drove into
    town, part city and part highway, and it didn't FULLY overheat. It
    just edged up a little bit from the mid-point, but not much.
    Mileage is 129,000. Yes, it seems to be the same.
    Coolant doesn't seem to be leaking.
    I'm not the original owner, and while I've had the car the timing belt
    was changed, but NOT the water pump. The mechanic checked the water
    pump and said it wasn't the problem.
    No, I haven't.
    John McConnell, Apr 12, 2004
  5. They did pressure test the system and they said it was fine.
    They said they pressure tested it and then said it was fine. But the
    did replace the thermostat, and said the radiator "looked good" and
    the water pump "looked good".

    Yea, I really am stuck. I have worked with them and felt good about
    them for the past 3 or 4 years, but this seems to be a real (expensive
    for me!) mistake in figuring out the problem.
    John McConnell, Apr 12, 2004
  6. John McConnell

    mike Guest

    if the fans dont seem to be coming on, id look into that.
    mike, Apr 12, 2004

  7. +++++++++++++++++++++++++

    John, you should repost a message that says "Rad fans not coming on __
    Overheating" on BOTH of the newsgroups (alt.autos.honda is the other)
    and explain the model, year & mileage of your honda.

    I'm not the right person to ask but there's lots of people around here
    who know the answer. It may be as simple as replacing one sensor (even
    by yourself)

    'Curly Q. Links', Apr 12, 2004
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