Head Gasket...Temperature soaring...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Pravin Nair, Oct 27, 2003.

  1. Pravin Nair

    Pravin Nair Guest

    Hi There,

    I have a 1993 Honda Civic DX. Of late when I start the car the whole
    body bumps and the engine temperature soars as indicated by the
    temperature gauge. On the first occasion it gave thick white smoke
    from the exhaust and the hood. There is a characteristic burning smell

    I bought the car 6 months ago when it had 93K miles on it. I had
    replaced the timing belts then and as of this day it has 97K miles on

    The first time around my mechanic gave me the car back after keeping
    it for 2 weeks and said that there is nothing wrong with the car.

    The problem recurred.

    This time around the mechanic says that the head gasket is
    gone/blown/broken. He says it would cost a minimum of $500 to a
    maximum of $1500.

    Are the symptoms really indicative of a head gasket problem?. Would it
    cost so much to fix it?.

    Being a graduate student I really cannot afford to fix it spending so
    much money and then later realize that the problem was something else.

    The mechanic also says that when the head gasket is fixed one has to
    replace the timing belts too. Is this necessary considering that I
    just recently changed the belts.

    Need advice. Thank you.

    Pravin Nair.
    Pravin Nair, Oct 27, 2003
  2. Take it to another mechanic to get a second opinion. I once noticed that
    my oil was really black even after an oil change. I later learned that I
    had a bad head gasket. The mechanic said the oil was black since water was
    mixing with it as a result of a bad head gasket. The oil was a normal
    color after the head gasket was fixed. Is your oil after an oil
    change--the normal color of new oil or black?
    Bill B. Johnson, Oct 28, 2003
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