Headlight bulb replacement

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Help-Slip-Franklin, Dec 29, 2010.

  1. 2004 Accord. The headlights are just not bright enough on the car and I'd
    like to replace them with something brighter. I've looked at the HID bulbs,
    is that the only option? What has anyone tried and how do they work? Thanks
    in advance.
    Help-Slip-Franklin, Dec 29, 2010
  2. Help-Slip-Franklin

    Tegger Guest

    See my reply in alt.autos.honda, to which you also posted, but independenly
    of this group.
    Tegger, Dec 30, 2010
  3. Thanks Tegger for the Nighthawk info and the Stern website.
    Help-Slip-Franklin, Jan 4, 2011
  4. Help-Slip-Franklin

    dold Guest

    And what if there is no alt.autos.honda on my news server?
    I don't get to read your pithy reply?

    The headlights on my 2005 ford are much brighter than my 2003 Civic.
    The Civic also has hazing that I can't get rid of with a lens cleaning kit,
    and both have recently cracked, now I have moisture inside one, maybe both,
    so I'm in the market for complete replacements.
    dold, Jan 4, 2011
  5. Help-Slip-Franklin

    Tegger Guest

    How unfortunate that my pearls of wisdom have not graced your ears.

    Wrecking yard.
    Tegger, Jan 4, 2011
  6. Help-Slip-Franklin

    dold Guest

    I delight in your pearls of wisdom in the rec.autos.makers.honda that I do
    get. I was going to browse through the previous bits to look for a
    recommended supplier for the lenses.
    I like wrecking yards for some items, but I wouldn't look there for
    replacements for pieces of plastic that have suffered from aging, since all
    of them would be the same age as mine.

    And I didn't get to see your recommendation to the OP about brighter
    headlights, unless that was it, that his lenses were bad, and you suggest
    junkyard replacements.

    This week, I am also in need of the underside fairing plastics for my 2003 Civic

    I had been driving the Ford for a while, and forgot how low the Civic is.
    I pulled in too far against a parking bumper curb, snagged something on a
    chunk of rebar used to anchor the parking curb, and ripped out some of the
    underside of the Civic when I backed up.
    dold, Jan 4, 2011
  7. Help-Slip-Franklin

    Tegger Guest

    I suggested GE Nighthawk bulbs.

    He never really said just why he considered his headlights to be

    Ay. Plastic body-stuff that lives under the car has an exceedingly hard
    life indeed. Plus, cars in wrecking yards are carried around by forklift,
    which tends to destroy everything south of the rocker panels.

    Ever considered a rice-boy fiberglass kit?
    Tegger, Jan 5, 2011
  8. Help-Slip-Franklin

    dold Guest

    I haven't even looked underneath yet.

    I pulled back from the curb, which seemed harder than when I've grounded
    myself before, but I didn't think much of it.

    I did look underneath, and everything seemed okay.

    As I drove off down the road, I heard some noise, but the roads were wet,
    and I thought it was tire noise.

    When I got on the highway, I realized that it was not a normal noise. I
    pulled over, and I could see something hanging down that had been worn away
    by road abrasion. I used a handy bungee cord to lift it up.

    It was raining, so I didn't investigate further. I thought I would be okay
    until after a wedding the next day.


    There was some noise, as the bungee cord and wind competed for control of
    the plastic. The bungee cord lost, flying up onto the hood, and the
    plastic folded back under the car, dragging heavily.

    I left it in the parking lot at the wedding, pouring rain.

    I came back the next day and tied it up with some hay baling twine in a
    couple of places.

    Then it snowed.

    I might get under the car eventually, or I might just take it to the local
    body shop and have them "handle it".

    I did go back to the parking lot and drive the rebar down below flush with
    the curb piece.

    I wondered why people drove around with bungee cords holding up body
    parts. Now I have a little better understanding.
    dold, Jan 5, 2011
  9. Help-Slip-Franklin

    Tegger Guest

    Aha, that sounds like the splash shield. Given what you've just described,
    the plastic just might be salvageable. It's pretty tough.

    Check to see if it's torn. If so, you can use a scriber or sharp punch to
    poke holes in it, and "stitch" it together with nylon ties.

    If the mount holes are torn, or if the clips have pulled out of the body,
    you can get "Christmas tree" clips from any auto parts place.

    You may also want to check your local dealer. Those splash shields are
    cheaper than you think.
    Tegger, Jan 5, 2011
  10. Help-Slip-Franklin

    News Guest

    Priceless. (Sorry.)
    News, Jan 5, 2011

  11. I see litigation by a crafty lawyer in your future...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Jan 6, 2011
  12. Help-Slip-Franklin

    dold Guest

    I did have the thought that "someone else is at fault here".
    Then I smacked the rebar down with a hammer, looked around for some little
    clips that might belong to me, lying on the ground, and got back in my car.

    I have a "normal" parking place, here at the "mailbox pod" where folks in
    my area get their mail. http://maps.google.com/maps?q=38.797162,-122.553558
    Someone was in "my" spot, and I pulled in to a different spot, and ...
    crunch. If I had stopped and had a look when I couldn't back off easily, I
    probably could have flexed something and saved my plastic car parts from

    I think I've probably ground off some of the plastic against the road. I
    suppose a crawl under this Saturday, with some duct tape and baling wire.

    I did glance under there, thinking I might remove it instead of tying it
    up. Because it's a hybrid, there is a lot of plastic under there, probably
    more than other Civics.
    dold, Jan 6, 2011
  13. Help-Slip-Franklin

    Tegger Guest

    I repost my last reply:

    Aha, that sounds like the splash shield. Given what you've just described,
    the plastic just might be salvageable. It's pretty tough.

    Check to see if it's torn. If so, you can use a scriber or sharp punch to
    poke holes in it, and "stitch" it together with nylon ties.

    If the mount holes are torn, or if the clips have pulled out of the body,
    you can get "Christmas tree" clips from any auto parts place.

    You may also want to check your local dealer. Those splash shields are
    cheaper than you think.
    Tegger, Jan 6, 2011
  14. Help-Slip-Franklin

    dold Guest

    I did keep that in mind, and now that the Civic is 120K, 8 years old, and
    dog-eaten, baling wire is on the list of remedies.
    When I tied it up, it was substantially there. I didn't look for the
    fastening points, I just used the drain cutouts as a place to thread my
    twine and pull it forward to where the bumper overlapped it for


    For it's 8th birthday in March, I think I'll take my HondaCare refund and
    get the front end cosmetically repaired.
    dold, Jan 7, 2011
  15. Help-Slip-Franklin

    bucky3 Guest

    you can read it on google groups
    bucky3, Jan 12, 2011
  16. Help-Slip-Franklin

    Tegger Guest

    Ewww. Google Groups sucks big time. It's a dumb way to get Usenet.

    The free providerEternal September carries it, as does the for-pay Altopia.
    Tegger, Jan 12, 2011
  17. "Tegger" wrote

    It works great.
    Howard Lester, Jan 12, 2011
  18. Help-Slip-Franklin

    dold Guest

    Crawling under the car today wasn't very exciting at all.
    There is some bubbled up plastic on an edge from road rash, and some breaks
    too small to be concerned about, but overall, I think I'll be in fine shape
    after replacing 9 of the push-pin fastners.

    The piece that hit the ground is about four inches long, from the bumper
    back to about the radiator. It wraps up the sides into the fender well,
    and I think the fender well connections are all that kept it on the car.

    The larger piece of plastic under the engine cavity has some damage, but
    that may have been from other road debris over the miles. there are a
    couple of pushpins missing of the original 9 in that pan.

    I can see where the bumper snagged the piece of rebar and partially tore,
    popping some of the pushpins. I found one on top of the engine, pin still
    in, but the bulging part of the surrounding plastic was broken off.
    dold, Jan 16, 2011
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