Headlights for a civic

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Robert, Oct 6, 2003.

  1. Robert

    Robert Guest

    Is it legal to use one of these headlights?

    The headlights on my civic are turning yellow, and hard to see at nigh, but
    my current headlights have a yellow cover on one of the sides, and the ones
    from eBay are all clear. I am in Texas.
    Robert, Oct 6, 2003
  2. Robert

    MajorDomo Guest

    Yellowing of the lenses is mot peculiar to Honda, many brands
    have the same problem, caused by lack of maintenance of the lens
    cover. Get yourself some of that stuff they sell in motorcycle
    shops to clean cycle windshields. After you get them cleared up
    use a polymer, like 'NuFinish,' to keep them clear, WBMA.

    mike hunt
    MajorDomo, Oct 6, 2003
  3. _________________

    If you're talking about the 'turn signal' portion not being amber, you
    could use amber bulbs in them (like the Dodge Caravan does for DRL in
    Canada) It might be illegal to use white lamps for turn signals where
    you are.

    Good question. I wish everybody would ask themselves these questions
    before installing some of this stuff....

    'Curly Q. Links', Oct 6, 2003
  4. Robert

    Robert Guest

    I didn't know you could do that. But you know exactly what I am talking
    about, now it is hard to see at night. The headlights have a light coat of
    something and I don;t know how to get it clean.
    I will check on that stuff for motorcycles.
    Robert, Oct 6, 2003
  5. Robert

    Robert Guest

    Right, I don't want to install it and get a ticket down the street, but I
    guess the yellow bulb will cover me. I will try to clean my old headlamps
    before buying a new set, since Honda sells them around $150 ea side, and the
    aftermarket are $100/pair. I am wondering if it's worth it.
    Robert, Oct 6, 2003
  6. Robert

    Chris Garcia Guest

    i like the clear lens/yellow light setup versus the yellow lens/clear
    light setup... my '90 prelude had red/clear taillights.... mmm i miss
    that prelude.


    http://www.ChrisGarcia.com <- My Homepage
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    http://starwars.chrisgarcia.com/ <- Centerpoint Station, the "ghost-
    town" of the Star Wars Universe!
    Chris Garcia, Oct 7, 2003
  7. --------------------------

    The wrecking yards are computerized, and can locate used headlights you
    want from all around the country. Why not try that first??


    To REPLY: If there are a couple of underscores in my return address,
    you must remove them to reply directly . . . . . . Thanks.

    Regarding stage performances: When everyone else has finished playing,
    you should not play any notes you have left over. -
    'Curly Q. Links', Oct 7, 2003
  8. Robert

    NetSock Guest

    WTF does that mean!?
    Bwaaaaaaaahahahahaha. There is no "maintenance" to a lens cover you freaking

    Man...I wonder why you don't mind looking like an a-hole every time you
    post? Oh that's right...you don't see it...

    Seriously Mike, do you have any idea what your IQ is?

    I'm bettin' you ride the short bus to school too.
    NetSock, Oct 7, 2003
  9. Robert

    jim Guest

    i got a 96 contour and the headlight covers always turn yellow.. its the
    plastic in them breaking down and causing a gunk on the outisde.. this
    is what i did and it fixed it until the hot sun got to it again(lasted
    about 6 months... $1.79 can of turtle wax Polishing compound at any auto
    parts store... left thood open and taped around the bottom and sides of
    the lenses to protect the painted areas of the fenders,etc. so the
    polishing compound would not remove the paint from them... used a cup of
    water and some old face cloths(the kind with the bumpy material works
    best) wet the rag and applied some compound to the rag.. rubbed them
    for about 10 minutes and then got out the old electric drill with a
    polishing bonnet on the end of it and worked on each for about 5 minutes
    more... i did this three times and the haze went away.... i also had
    some head mounted magnifier lens and could see what i was getting off of
    the headlight lenses.... it lasted about 6 months and the problem came
    back.... do it again and you got another 6 months... the difference
    when finished made them look like new......
    jim, Oct 7, 2003
  10. Robert

    Paul Bielec Guest

    Man...I wonder why you don't mind looking like an a-hole every time you
    Doesn't matter what his IQ is. Reading your posts, yours doesn't seem to be
    much higher.
    Your posts are anything but constructive or useful.

    What's wrong with you? Are you angry because you're ain't getting any?
    If you don't like his posts, don't read them. just stop annoying everybody
    with your stupid comments.
    Paul Bielec, Oct 7, 2003
  11. Robert

    MelvinGibson Guest

    I posted your reply to the stations at all 26 of our fleet repair
    shops. Everyone had a good laugh. LOL

    mike hunt

    typical clouding lens problem.
    MelvinGibson, Oct 7, 2003
  12. Robert

    NetSock Guest

    Doesn't matter what his IQ is. Reading your posts, yours doesn't seem to
    I think they are. Aside from the sound advise I give, letting people know
    when someone is giving wrong and/or giving false information, is *very*
    constructive and useful to the group.
    Any what?
    No thank you. I will continue to point out bad, wrong, misguiding, and flat
    out fabrications of information given here.

    Take care. :)
    NetSock, Oct 8, 2003
  13. Robert

    dizzy Guest

    On Tue, 07 Oct 2003 19:23:43 GMT, some stupid top-posting,
    nym-shifting idiot currently calling himself
    Do you dare tell them about your trolling of USENET with the names
    "Mike Hunt" and "Big Johnson"?

    I thought not.
    dizzy, Oct 10, 2003
  14. Definitely a case of HeleneDover... once again!!

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Oct 10, 2003
  15. Robert

    MikeHunt Guest

    This comes from DIZZY? The stations need an address to access
    the net, those ARE some of the names. I always sign mike hunt to
    be constant when I post from the different stations. Only a fool
    who likes to get spammed, would use a real name/address in a NG

    mike hunt
    MikeHunt, Oct 10, 2003
  16. Robert

    Tegger® Guest

    pontificated in

    "Mike", we should talk.

    *Nobody* savvy uses his real email address in a Usenet message. The correct
    approach is to use a munged version of your real address, so if people
    really want to contact you, they can, just by using a bit of human
    observation when deciphering the munged version. Bots can't contend with
    most munging efforts, which is why my address--unchanged for years--remains

    There are actual, live individuals on the Internet who know my real name,
    and exactly where I live (ask MDT Tech and Scott Lee Blair). That's more
    than anyone can say for you.

    You, on the other hand, *know* you are an annoyingly juvenile and
    egotistical person and are therefore subject to killfiling, so you use
    IleneDover, BigJohnson, etc. as bozo-bin subterfuges. It *does* work, so
    you're not a total idiot. Close, but not total.

    You have a dialup account with Penn Tele Data. You are in the 570 area
    code. You dial up using an internal 56K Winmodem in a Win98 machine, so
    you're using older hardware. This "satellite" stuff is nonsense and you
    know it. Those roving PTD IP addresses put the lie to your assertions, but
    you're obviously too ignorant to know why.

    When will you ever get it? NOBODY believes anything you say. Your posts and
    the replies to them are Onanistic more than anything else. They exist for
    your pleasure and yours alone.
    Tegger®, Oct 11, 2003
  17. Robert

    Scott in Fla Guest

    Hear Hear!

    Hey Teg, why don't you let us know how you really feel? <g>

    Scott in Florida
    Scott in Fla, Oct 11, 2003
  18. Robert

    FJ40 ® Guest

    Not if you use fetch filters it doesn't. I don't care what he uses I
    won't see him unless he does an exact forgery of someone I fetch and
    there are few if any ISPs who won't act on someone doing forgeries.



    "Never again a Ford".....

    Beware a govt that fears its populace (gun control)...

    "I would bet that most top-posters do indeed not signal their lane-changes." - dizz

    "Thank you for contacting the Center for Auto Safety (CAS) about your Ford Aerostar or Windstar.
    CAS has received many complaints from consumers concerning peeling paint, ignition switch fires,
    stalling and brake, transmission and head gasket failures. Ford should drop "star" from Aerostar
    and Windstar because neither is a star when it comes to quality."
    FJ40 ®, Oct 11, 2003
  19. Robert

    dizzy Guest

    (top posting corrected)
    Duuhhh... That's not the issue, "Mike Hunt". It's the names you
    choose and fact that you're constantly changing names to avoid kill
    dizzy, Oct 12, 2003
  20. Robert

    NetSock Guest

    Well duh...but you can change them idiot. I don't think I would do business
    with a company who uses such names.
    How mature.
    And only an idiot would use grade school names, then try to pass himself off
    as some sort expert.

    You are nothing more than a troubled teenager, with no self esteem. You are
    also a proven liar here, and have been caught red handed.

    No get out before we call your Mommy.
    NetSock, Oct 15, 2003
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