Health Insurance - Do you need, and how much do you need?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Brad Stevens, Aug 8, 2007.

  1. Brad Stevens

    Brad Stevens Guest

    Having health insurance is great. Not having it is terrible. Between
    the two extremes are a lot of gray areas, paperwork and a host of
    confusing medical and legal terms.If you're lucky, you'll have some
    choices when it comes to health insurance. "Your choice may be whether
    to take your own employer's health plan or get something else."
    Brad Stevens, Aug 8, 2007
  2. Brad Stevens

    Fuller Rath Guest

    Don't need no stinkin insurance!!! I'm on that there Repubican Health Care Plan: Just don't git sick!

    : Having health insurance is great. Not having it is terrible. Between
    : the two extremes are a lot of gray areas, paperwork and a host of
    : confusing medical and legal terms.If you're lucky, you'll have some
    : choices when it comes to health insurance. "Your choice may be whether
    : to take your own employer's health plan or get something else."
    Fuller Rath, Aug 9, 2007
  3. Brad Stevens

    NeX Guest

    NeX, Aug 9, 2007
  4. Brad Stevens

    Fuller Rath Guest

    Careful. Your knuckles are dragging. Or is a key stuck on your Atari keyboard?

    : : > Don't need no stinkin insurance!!! I'm on that there Repubican Health
    : > Care Plan: Just don't git sick!
    Fuller Rath, Aug 9, 2007
  5. Brad Stevens

    NeX Guest

    NeX, Aug 9, 2007
  6. Brad Stevens

    Ed H. Guest

    I never owned an Atari. Question...did it include any interfaces other than
    the keyboard and monitor, and could one of those interfaces be used as some
    means to connect to the internet (i.e. asynchronous POP)?
    Ed H., Aug 9, 2007
  7. Brad Stevens

    Roger Guest

    The neo-liberal fascist democrats had all Atari banned, because
    they were causing global warming.
    Roger, Aug 9, 2007
  8. Brad Stevens

    Fuller Rath Guest

    The neocon fascists banned Ataris because they required a modicum of thought and coordination.

    : : >I never owned an Atari. Question...did it include any interfaces other
    : >than the keyboard and monitor, and could one of those interfaces be used as
    : >some means to connect to the internet (i.e. asynchronous POP)?
    : The neo-liberal fascist democrats had all Atari banned, because
    : they were causing global warming.
    Fuller Rath, Aug 11, 2007
  9. Brad Stevens

    Fuller Rath Guest

    Knowing you reich wingers, that should be "BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" as you insert your {tiny} weenie into your resident sheep.

    : : > Careful. Your knuckles are dragging. Or is a key stuck on your Atari
    : > keyboard?
    : >
    : >
    : > : > :
    : > : : > : > Don't need no stinkin insurance!!! I'm on that there Repubican
    : > Health
    : > : > Care Plan: Just don't git sick!
    : > :
    : > :
    : > :
    : > :
    : > :
    : > :
    : > :
    : > :
    : >
    : >
    Fuller Rath, Aug 11, 2007
  10. Brad Stevens

    Hillary Guest

    Hillary, Aug 11, 2007
  11. Brad Stevens

    Hillary Guest

    Hillary, Aug 11, 2007
  12. Brad Stevens

    Ed H. Guest

    So, you accuse someone whom disagrees with of using an input device that
    requires "a modicum of thought and coordination." I find that rather
    telling (pun intended).
    Ed H., Aug 12, 2007
  13. is this a Honda group?
    Private Private, Aug 18, 2007
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