HELP!!!!84 Honda ignition problems..!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by crom, Jan 28, 2007.

  1. crom

    crom Guest

    HI when I turn the key on every thing turns on such as fan music
    lights,all the normal things but,the starter wont turnover,utill I
    try over and over again then finally the starter will engage and start
    the car,I took out the key portion of the ignition to were I can use a
    screwdriver but the problem is the same so I put the key part of the
    ignition back in,,,,,,do you think mabey the starter is starting to
    go? it souds fine when finally it does engage ,I think some wires
    might need replacing or something,,,,,,Any advice????????? coil?
    crom, Jan 28, 2007
  2. crom

    nm5k Guest

    If it's not the switch, it's most likely the solenoid on the starter.
    The contacts wear, and are no longer making a good connection.
    nm5k, Jan 28, 2007
  3. crom

    Jim Yanik Guest

    wrote in
    I had the same problem on my 94Integra. Some Honda starters allow
    replacement of the starter solenoid,some don't.Mine didn't,but I found a
    place online that sold me the rebuild parts for the solenoid,only $30 PPD.

    It was a bitch getting the lower starter bolt out(no room for a big enough
    wrench),it was frozen into the block.I'd use anti-seize on the bolt threads
    when reinstalling it.
    Jim Yanik, Jan 28, 2007
  4. crom

    nm5k Guest

    Yea, I just had that on mine about a month or two ago. But mine was
    not a ND
    starter, which is the brand that you can get parts for. Mine was the
    other brand,
    "starts with an "M", I'm vapor locking on the name...
    You can't get parts for it. Or at least I couldn't find any. So I had
    to buy a rebuilt
    starter. I kept my old still good starter motor.
    I'm having some slight flywheel problems with mine. It's like the
    flywheel is
    out of round, or has slipped a weld on the torque converter. Every
    once in a
    while it hits a "hard" part where it turns real slow, almost like it's
    too tight,
    and needs a shim. But most of the time it's ok. I fear an eventual
    converter changout in the future.. That should be loads of fun..
    BTW, it had that tight spot using both starters, so it's not a problem
    the starter per say..
    nm5k, Jan 29, 2007
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