Help: '90 Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Bob Burns, Oct 4, 2003.

  1. Bob Burns

    Bob Burns Guest

    Our '90 Accord won't run. it stopped on my wife a week ago, had it towed to
    a service place. They couldn't find anything wrong. Our mechanic said it
    was probably the fuel pump relay, and if it went again it would have to be

    Now it's in our yard. I have a Chilton manual from the library, but it's
    not real clear on the "main relay". It does say it runs the fuel pump which
    is in the tank. It says the relay is above and behind the fuse box. I
    can't find that relay! I stood on my head under the dash, and there are
    several boxes around the fuse box, but I can't find one which has the
    contacts shown in Chilton.

    Any advice? Hate to have it towed to the mechanic just to change a relay!
    Bob Burns, Oct 4, 2003
  2. Bob Burns

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    If you have cruise, it's hidden behind that box.
    Jafir Elkurd, Oct 4, 2003
  3. Bob Burns

    J M Guest

    I have had to replace the relay on my 90 integra, so I'll describe where it
    is on my car. In order to see it without taking off the dash, you're going
    to have to lie flat on your back and put your head over by the pedals. You
    should now be looking straigt up at the steering column. You will see the
    bottom of the relay (with a wire connecter and associated wires going
    straight up into it) to the right (driver side) of the steering column.
    Mine was brownish. If that doesnt work, take off the left lower dash panel
    and you should be able to see it without having to turn upside down and

    J M, Oct 4, 2003
  4. Bob Burns

    Koji San Guest

    I had the same problem and had no spark. But 3 days later the spark came
    back. and it started and never happened again. I dont believe it's a relay
    problem in my case, but for you, it's worth a try.

    I did a web search at and found this website that talks
    about your car's relay.

    Koji San, Oct 5, 2003
  5. Bob Burns

    Bob Burns Guest

    Thanks for the help! Great advice!
    Bob Burns, Oct 5, 2003
  6. Bob Burns

    NomoreRGS Guest

    Heres a link to a great site to fix a main relay. It helped me
    tremendously when I had the problem with my '91 Accord.
    The cracked soldier joint was very hard to spot. Even when
    knowing exactly what to look for. Mine was just a little mark on
    one post (didn't look like even a crack). When un-soldiering this
    joint the soldier melted differently than the other joints.
    NomoreRGS, Oct 5, 2003
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