Help - 96 Accord LX running hot

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Dave Wolgast, May 13, 2004.

  1. Dave Wolgast

    Dave Wolgast Guest

    96 Accord LX, 2.2L 4cyl engine, ~199,000 miles.

    When the car is started, idles, & warms up, temperature gauge settles
    at about 35-40% (between blue-line and red-line). As I drive at
    normal local speeds ~45mph, temp stays between 35-50%. At highway
    speeds (top gear, ~3200rpm), needle gradually moves upward, reaching
    75-95%. The cooling fan does come on occasionally. Also, I am not
    getting any heat out of the heater, even when turned all the way to
    hot, though I could when I first experienced the problem, and that
    immediately dropped the temp below 50%.

    I have replaced the thermostat, and that didn't seem to do it.

    Please make any suggestions as to how I might proceed.

    Livonia, NY
    Dave Wolgast, May 13, 2004
  2. Dave Wolgast

    bkapaun Guest

    Did you purge the air out of the bleed bolt?
    It does sound like the radiator is clogged though.
    bkapaun, May 13, 2004
  3. Dave Wolgast

    mike Guest

    has the water pump ever been changed? timing belt?
    mike, May 13, 2004
  4. Dave Wolgast

    Pars Guest

    I wouldn't drive the car, even if the temperature gage is slightly off.
    The temperature gage should always be on it's assigned position (after
    the engine warms up), anything else is not acceptable and you risk
    damaging your engine.

    Hopefully, it's not a head gasket problem. I had the same symptoms with
    my 84 CRX, which was caused from a cracked head gasket that was letting
    air flow into the coolant. The excessive air in the cooling system will
    block he coolant flow. I'm not sure about the 96 Accord, but I suppose
    the newer cars are better designed to get rid of excess air in the
    coolant. At 200,000miles, I'm assuming that the radiator, water pump,
    thermostat and even the hoses are all new. If not, you have a starting
    point. Also, I've been in situation where the replacement thermostat was
    also defective.

    98 Civic Hatch
    Pars, May 15, 2004
  5. Dave Wolgast

    Nick Guest

    Hi Pars,

    I thought that I was loosing my mind here with my problem in
    my 95 Integra. I had replaced my t-stat a year ago because the temp
    gauge would go up when I was stopped but would go down when I was
    moving. I replaced it with a new one but the issue still happened. I
    couldn't figure out what was wrong, so I also replaced the sensor
    going to the readout in the dash but I am still having the same issue.
    This is good that someone else has had a new defective t-stat. I'm
    going to go order another one and see if it help since they aren't too

    Nick, May 15, 2004
  6. If you are showing overheat only when stopped its more likely that it's due
    to the fan(s) not coming on. You need to check/replace the thermoswitch
    and/or relay which controls the fans. On an Integra it should be on the
    thermostat housing IIRC.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, May 16, 2004
  7. Dave Wolgast

    Nick Guest

    Hi George,

    Sorry forgot to mention that when idle it doesn't overheat but
    goes up to just less than about the halfway mark, then the fans kick
    on. So I think that there is still a faulty t-stat. What are your

    Nick, May 17, 2004
  8. Dave Wolgast

    Tegger® Guest

    (Dave Wolgast) spake unto the masses in

    *Every* symptom suggests a clogged rad.

    With the engine COOL, take off the rad cap and peek inside. Are the tubes
    covered with whitish deposits? Oh, you CAN'T see the tubes because the
    fluid is too murky? Oops. Bad maintenance.

    Either you haven't been changing your fluid regularly or you're using
    silicated coolant.

    Drive the car until completely warm. Run your hand around the rad surface.
    It should be uniformly hot all over, and both big hoses should be hot as

    If not, replace the rad. And start changing your coolant every second year,
    with OEM if possible, and if not, with the non-silicate stuff and
    _distilled_ water.


    The Unofficial Honda FAQ

    How to find anything on the Internet or in Usenet Groups:
    Tegger®, May 17, 2004
  9. In your previous post you said: "the temp gauge would go up when I was
    stopped but would go down when I was moving". I took this to mean stopped
    == engine idling and that the temp was going up above normal. If you're
    saying that the gauge rises up to normal then you're running too cool when
    the car moves?? Either way, I am unsure of what you're problem is.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, May 18, 2004
  10. Dave Wolgast

    Nick Guest

    Hi George,

    That's exactly it. The car at idle warms up to less than the
    1/2 mark and stays there. When I take off and drive the temp drops
    down to near the cool mark. I have already replaced the t-stat once
    before but that didn't help and I was wondering if I should reorder
    another one or if the problem is somewhere else.

    Hope this is enough info....

    Nick, May 18, 2004
  11. Ah, OK. I see you talked of getting another thermostat - was the 1st
    replacement a Honda one? Other than that I'd probably replace the radiator
    cap, keep an eye on the reserve tank level and verify the gauge is really
    indicating properly. Honda temp gauges are supposed to indicate the same
    needle deflection for a range of temps from ~80C to ~105C.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, May 19, 2004
  12. Dave Wolgast

    Nick Guest

    Hi George,

    Yes the first replacement was a Honda thermostat. I had also
    replaced the sensor that is in the front left side of the engine block
    which I was told from the newsgroup was the one that displays to the
    dash. I recently replaced my radiator (3 weeks ago) and the radiator
    that I ordered had a new cap on it but I still have the same symptoms.
    Do you think that I need to get a new t-stat....or replacement of the

    Nick, May 19, 2004
  13. I believe, in a '96, there are two sensors next to each other on the
    cylinder head under the distributor: the one with a single wire connection
    is the gauge sensor; the other has two wires and is the TW sensor for the
    ECU. Is the reservoir level behaving normally - around max when hot and
    around 1/2way between min & max when cold? If everything is behaving right
    I'd check the gauge sensor with an ohmmeter and then suspect the gauge

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, May 20, 2004
  14. Dave Wolgast

    Nick Guest

    Thanks for the tip. I'll check the voltage on the sensors. I just
    replaced the radiator recently so I filled the reservior near the max
    level. i'll check it when the car is hot to see if it rises and then
    settles when it is cold. I'll let you know what I find out.

    Thanks again,
    Nick, May 21, 2004
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