HELP! 99 Honda Accord dashboard backlight is out!

Discussion in 'Accord' started by dexue, May 25, 2005.

  1. dexue

    dexue Guest

    Hi everyone,

    My 99 Honda Accord dashboard backlight is out!
    I tried to adjust the dimmer switch, I turned both directions, no
    I checked the fuse boxes. All fuses are OK.
    Do you think this is caused by a bad dimmer switch? or a loosed wire?
    If a bad dimmer switch is the problem, how do I fix it?

    Thanks in advance,

    dexue, May 25, 2005
  2. dexue

    duckbill Guest

    Were the lights getting dimmer over time or did they just go out without a
    flicker? I would check the applicable fuse again and replace it with a
    neighboring, like fuse, just to be sure. Also, you're aware there are
    fuses and relays under the hood as well as under the dash, right? Good
    duckbill, May 27, 2005
  3. dexue

    dexue Guest

    I double checked and found a blown fuse. I replaced it with a same 15
    amp fuse, but as soon as I turned on the head light switch, it blew
    out. I am sure it must be short circuit somewhere. According to the
    label, the fuse is for license light and some small lights.
    dexue, May 31, 2005
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