Help - Accord won't start

Discussion in 'Accord' started by WORSS, Nov 24, 2003.

  1. WORSS

    WORSS Guest


    My daughter has our 1993 Honda Accord at college. She is suppose to come
    home tomorrow for Thanksgiving but just called to tell us the car won't

    She drove a few hours the other day without any problems. Today was the
    first time she tried to start the car since then. She says that the car
    started on the first attempt and then died. After that, the car would not
    start at all, but it apparently turns over okay.

    Any ideas? I need advise fast!

    WORSS, Nov 24, 2003
  2. WORSS

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    Main relay working? Turn key to first position, and dash lights should
    come on and the fuel pump will make a whirring noise for two or three
    seconds. No noise, no fuel. Need main relay resoldered. bob
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Nov 24, 2003
  3. WORSS

    Jim Yanik Guest

    How to resolder the main relay,has nice pix,too.
    Jim Yanik, Nov 25, 2003
  4. Could also be the coils, igniter or anything distributor. Check for
    spark for certainty. Like most female college student, they like to
    carry large, heavy key chains. This wears the ignition switch
    prematurely from each turns and bumps on the road.
    Ricky Spartacus, Nov 25, 2003
  5. Bill,
    Tell her to see if the car will start after it is jump started. There are
    probably people at the college that have jumper cables. Tell her to drive
    straight home without stopping. If she needs to get gas--tell her to keep
    the motor running. If it does not start with a jump, tell her to have the
    vehicle towed to the closest Honda dealership and let them fix it. I doubt
    if she has the mechanical experience or tools needed to fix whatever might
    be the cause of the problem.
    Bill B. Johnson, Nov 25, 2003
  6. Bill,
    Oh? Do you know his daughter?
    Scott MacLean, Nov 25, 2003
  7. WORSS

    WORSS Guest

    Thank you very much for all the advise! My daughter is on her way home for

    She had the car towed to a gas station/garage last night. I had her stop at
    the garage this morning to see if the car would start (it would not) and
    had her drive to the nearest Honda dealership to pick up the main relay (the
    garage did not have time to get it). Upon returning to the garage with the
    relay, they told her the car was fixed! According to my daughter, they said
    the spark plugs were fouled. This seems odd to me as I recall replacing
    them about one year ago...come to think of it, because the car was having
    the same type of issue! it really possible for the plugs to be fouled after only a year?
    The plugs were a good brand, right?

    WORSS, Nov 25, 2003
  8. WORSS

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    How many miles are on the car? Is it time for a cap, rotor and wires?
    The plugs weren't getting spark. That's why they 'fouled'. probably
    going to have the problen again. Look for a Honda tech that knows how to
    REPAIR the relay, not replace it. bob
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Nov 25, 2003
  9. WORSS

    WORSS Guest

    The car has 142,000 miles on it. I replaced the wires when I replaced the
    plugs but the technician told me I should not have. Said the Honda ones
    don't fail and are the best. I had him look at the distributor, etc. at
    the same time and all was well. I'll actually be seeing him tomorrow. As
    for the relay, I think I'll just have it put in since I now have it.

    WORSS, Nov 26, 2003
  10. Bill,
    I'm glad your daughter got home for Thanksgiving. There are several
    possible causes for bad plugs. I agree with the intelligent poster that
    told you that the Honda needs to be checked by a Honda mechanic. You would
    be amazed at what mechanics can find once they hook it up to one of those
    expensive computerized testing instruments.
    Bill B. Johnson, Nov 27, 2003
  11. WORSS

    Dave Kelsen Guest


    He didn't say she didn't have the experience or tools, as he might have
    if he knew Bill's daughter. He said he *doubted* it. FWIW, I doubt it
    as well. On the other hand, I can categorically state that *I* do not
    have said experience or tools, for at least 95% of the potential
    problems. But I did pay the $70 for the Helms manual for my car - so I
    can do that other 5%...

    Dave Kelsen
    Dave Kelsen, Nov 29, 2003
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